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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Yisro

Moonshot Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yitzhak Grossman February 9, 2023   You shall not make [images of what is] with Me; gods of silver and gods of gold you shall not make for yourselves. Shmos 20:20…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Beshalach

Here We Go Again Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Moshe Zev Granek     February 2, 2023   …For that which you have seen Mitzrayim today, you shall not see them ever again. Shmos 14:13 The Mechilta says…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Bo   

Mind Matters    Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Moshe Yitzchok Weg    January 26, 2023   They shall eat the flesh on that night—roasted over the fire—and matzos; with bitter herbs shall they eat it. Shmos 12:8 The primary…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Va’eira

Ground Effect Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Moshe Zev Granek     January 19, 2023   For if you do not send out My people, behold, I shall incite against you, your servants, your people, and your houses,…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Shmos

Secret Society Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald January 12, 2023   He replied, "Who made you a man, a ruler, and a judge over us? Are you saying that you are going to kill me,…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayechi

Strategic Heir Command Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yehoshua Grunwald January 5, 2023   The time approached for Yisrael to die, so he called for his son, for Yosef, and said to him, “Please—if I have found…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayigash

Beyond Control Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yitzhak Grossman     December 29, 2022   Yosef acquired all the land of Mitzrayim for Paroh…and the land became Paroh’s. As for the nation, he resettled it by cities, from…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Mikeitz

The Law of Conservation of Mass Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Daniel Dombroff    December 22, 2022   Then seven years of famine will arise after them and all the abundance in the land of Egypt will be…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayeishev

First Light Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen December 15, 2022     The Gemara (Shabbos 21b) says to light Chanukah candles mishetishka hachamah.[1] If one did not do so, he may light ad shetichleh…

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