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Wedding Hall Cancellations in Light of Covid-19

Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: Someone rented a banquet hall for a bar mitzvah but was then unable to have the event due to the governmental restrictions on public gatherings as a result of Covid-19. Can he get his deposit…

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Canceling Vacation Rentals Amid COVID-19

Cancelling Vacation Rentals Rabbi Baruch Meir Levine   Question: Someone rented a house in Orlando for Pesach but due to Covid-19, was not able to travel and make use of the house. Does the halachah allow such a person to…

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Paying for a Wedding Cancelled Due to Covid-19

Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: A chasan was unfortunately forced to cancel or delay his chasuna due to Covid-19. However, he had already made an agreement with a photographer, a musician, and a caterer for the event. Is he still…

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Paying for Canceled Playgroups Due to Covid-19 | Part 2

Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: The Bais HaVaad recently released guidelines about unemployment for morahs who run playgroups for children that were cancelled over the past few months due to Covid-19. According to the guidelines, if the morah is likely…

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