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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline
Stepping Up
July 4, 2024
Q On weekdays, is walking to shul preferable to driving, in order to earn sechar psios?
A In several places, Chazal highlight sechar psios (the reward for each footstep taken to perform a mitzvah), particularly for going to shul (Sotah 21a, Bava Metzia 107a). For this reason, the Magein Avraham (90:22, based on Sotah ibid.) rules that if one has a choice, he should choose a more distant shul over a nearby one.
The Ben Ish Chai (Torah Lishmah 40) explains that sechar psios is given for the physical effort expended in walking, so it is not offered for riding.
R’ Betzalel Stern (Betzeil Hachochmah 4:21) posits that one need not opt for walking over driving unless the distance is short, a walk of 18 minutes or less. He observes that many people choose to drive, and he justifies their practice on the grounds that if they would take the time to walk, they would be in a rush and race through davening. Occasionally, he says, one should take the time to walk to shul, to demonstrate that he really wishes to do so even though his busy schedule doesn’t usually allow it.
If you live just a few minutes from shul and walking doesn’t crimp your schedule, you should certainly do it and accumulate enormous sechar psios over time.