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Are there any Ribbis issues I need to be aware of when syndicating a deal? If I put up money to help my partnership through the month, are there Ribbis concerns?

Can I write “Best deal in town” on my ads if it may not be accurate? May I advertise a few doorbuster items to get customers through the door?

If someone asks me questions about an old employee, and I have some negative things to say, am I allowed to? What are the paramaters?

I am working much harder than my partner and bringing in all the deals. Am I entitled to a larger share? Our partnership is really not working out; is there any way I can force him out?
Does One Have to Learn Halacha and Mussar?
Rav Chaim Weg Question: We have stated that the ikkur mitzvah of limud haTorah is to learn Gemara. What about learning mussar and halacha? Is that also part of the mitzvah? Answer: Part of the mitzvah of limud haTorah is that the learning should be “meivi l’yedei ma’asoh”, it should…
Peshara and Arkaos - Part I
Is a Forced Peshara Binding?
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: Reuven had a dispute with Shimon. Shimon contacted him and threatened him that if he didn't agree to go with him to a certain Rov for…
When Should a Winner be Persuaded to be Mevater?
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: In the previous segment, we said that there are times when Bais Din will urge a winning party to give in. In what type of cases…
Can Bais Din Make a Peshara After a P’sak is Issued?
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: I won a din Torah but the dayan is now asking me to give in and forgo some of my award. Is he acting properly? Answer:…
Does Bais Din Encourage Peshara
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: When I came to Bais Din, I signed a shtar that says that I agree for the dayanim to rule “according to din or according…
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part III
Is it Permitted to Buy a Church?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: According to most opinions, it is forbidden to rent a property from a church, if this will fund their activities. Is it also forbidden to buy…
Is it permitted to buy a property owned by a church?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: A church in my area is selling a building they own. Am I allowed to buy it? Answer: We previously said that it is…
May a Jew Rent a Property From a Church?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: If a church owns a property that is not located on the church grounds, which they rent out for income, is it permitted for a Jew…
May One Provide Professional Services for a Church?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: Is one allowed to provide professional services – such as legal or accounting services – to a church? Answer: We previously stated that one cannot rent…
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part IV
Can The Problem of Renting to a House of Avodah Zara be Avoided by Having a Non-Jewish Partner?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: We’ve discussed many scenarios where a Jew is not allowed to do business with a church. Regarding many other prohibitions, there exists a solution of finding…
Is It Permitted to Sell Windows to a Church?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: We said that one is not allowed to install windows in a church. What if someone sells windows? Is he allowed to sell them to…
Is a Contractor Permitted to Build a Church?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: A Jewish man works as a contractor, and a church wants to hire him to build them a new building. Is he allowed to do this?…
Is Purchasing an “Indian Hair” Sheitel a Problem of Providing Funding for Avodah Zara?
Question: Most of us remember the controversy about the hair of Indian-hair sheitels, and if it is considered “takruvos avodah zara” or not. According to what we have previously stated,…
The Bais Din Process - Part I
Do I Have to Respond to Every Hazmana
Rav Yaakov Semiaticki Question: I received a hazmanah for a din Torah and showed it to a Talmid Chacham. He told me that in his opinion there is no real…
Does A Hazamana Need To Be Issued By Three Dayanim
Rav Dovid Grossman Question: A friend of mine received a hazmanah that was signed by the Menahel of a bais din. He thinks that the case is without merit.…
How Quickly Do I Need To Respond To A Hazmana
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: Reuven received a hazmanah to a din Torah and needs time to prepare his case. How long can he expect to be granted by the Bais…
How is a Bais Din Different Than a Secular Court?
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: I recently received a hazmanah to a din Torah. I have been to court before and the court summonses always stated clearly what the case…
The Bais Din Process - Part II
What Can be Done if The Two Parties Can’t Agree on Which Bais Din to Go To?
Rav Yehoshua Wolfe Question: There are two batei din in town and the two parties cannot agree on which one to go to. Is there any other solution? …
Does a Litigant Have to Accept a Bais Din of Zabla?
Rav Yehoshua Wolfe Question: It seems like the Zabla system of each side choosing a dayan and having the two dayanim choose a third does not work in today’s times.…
Can a Bais Din Issue an Injunction Against Someone Before He Comes to a Din Torah?
Rav Yaakov Semiaticki Question: I feel that a new competitor is infringing on my business. I sent him a hazmanah but he is taking his time in responding. In the…
If the Two Parties Live in Different Cities, Where Should the Din Torah Take Place?
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: Reuven received a hazmanah for a din torah. He lives in Lakewood and the other party, who lives in Brooklyn, is summoning him to a bais…
The Bais Din Process - Part III
What Documents Must One Sign When Coming to Bais Din?
Rav Yehoshua Wolfe Question: Someone received a hazmanah to a din Torah. He is willing to go but does not want to sign all the paperwork and documents that…
What is The Role of a To’ein
Rav Yehoshua wolfe Question: I was summoned to a din Torah and my friends tell me that I need to find a good to’ein. Is this correct? Answer:…
Does a Litigant Have to Be in Bais Din in Person?
Rav Dovid Grossman Question: Reuven received a hazmanah from bais din but he is uncomfortable appearing in person. Is he allowed to send a to’ein to present his claims for…
Can a Rov Who is Familiar With a Case Become a Dayan for That Din Torah?
Rav Dovid Grossman Question: Two parties had a dispute and went to a Rov for mediation. Ultimately, he was not successful and the dispute is headed to a din Torah.…
The Bais Din Process - Part IV
Can a Party Demand Information From The Other Party?
Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: I am in the middle of a din Torah and I feel that the other party is withholding information. May I demand that he produce the…
Can One Appeal a Bais Din’s Ruling?
Rav Dovid josilowsky Question: If someone loses a din Torah and is unhappy with the decision, is there any way to appeal it? Answer: Different locales have different systems…
Can a Litigant Demand an Explanation for a Bais Din’s Ruling?
Rav Yaakov Semiaticki Question: A litigant was unhappy with a bais din’s ruling and wants a written explanation of their decision. Can he demand this type of documentation? Answer: …
Can One Party in a Din Torah Have More Representation Than the Other?
Rav Yaakov Semiaticki Question: Two parties come to a din Torah. One of them has a lawyer and a to’ein accompanying him, while the other one just has a…
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part II
Is It Permitted to Own a Nursing Home That Has a Church Inside?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: Is it permitted to buy a nursing home that contains an in-house church that is used by the residents? Answer: Since the church is trying…
Is It Permitted to Purchase a Building That Has an Existing Church Inside It?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In cases where it would be forbidden to rent to a house of avodah zara, would it be permitted to purchase a multiunit property that already…
May I Rent a Property to a Church?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: I have a building and I’m looking for a tenant. A church contacted me and wants to rent it. Am I allowed to rent to them? …
Is It Permitted to Enter a Conservative Temple
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: We said that it is forbidden to enter a house of avodah zara. What about a house of “meenus”, heresy, such as a Conservative temple? …
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part I
Can Someone Send a Non-Jewish Worker Into a Church?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: A Jew who purchases a building that contains a church may not enter the church. Is he allowed to send his worker to enter the church…
Is it always forbidden to walk into a church?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: We all know that a Jew shouldn’t enter a house of avodah zara. But what if he is going in for reason unrelated to religion,…
What is The General Outlook a Jew Should Have Regarding Doing Business With Avodah Zara?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: Is there a general approach a Jewish person should have about doing business with houses of avodah zara? Answer: There is a common phrase used by…
How Is Avodah Zara Defined?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question : How would we define what constitutes avodah zara today? Answer: To give a broad definition: Avodah zara means any religious worship to any deity other…
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part IV
What Should People be Careful About At Corporate Parties?
Question: What should people be careful about at corporate parties that are attended by both men and women? Answer: Obviously, one must make sure that the food is kosher, and…
Can a Boss Ask His Secretary to Make Him a Cup of Coffee
Rav Yosef Jacobovits Question: Can a boss ask his secretary to make him a cup of coffee? Answer: There is a halacha that forbids a woman to pour a drink for…
Is a Man Permitted to Go on a Bus If He May Inadvertently Bump Into a Woman?
Question 1: Is a man permitted to ride on a crowded bus or train if he knows that he may inadvertently bump into a woman? Answer 1: This question was…
How Should Men and Women Interact in the Office?
Question: What are some general guidelines for appropriate interactions between men and women in the workplace? Answer: In general, conversations should be reserved for work-related matters. That doesn’t mean you…
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part IV
What Should People be Careful About At Corporate Parties?
Question: What should people be careful about at corporate parties that are attended by both men and women? Answer: Obviously, one must make sure that the food is kosher, and…
Can a Boss Ask His Secretary to Make Him a Cup of Coffee
Rav Yosef Jacobovits Question: Can a boss ask his secretary to make him a cup of coffee? Answer: There is a halacha that forbids a woman to pour a drink for…
Is a Man Permitted to Go on a Bus If He May Inadvertently Bump Into a Woman?
Question 1: Is a man permitted to ride on a crowded bus or train if he knows that he may inadvertently bump into a woman? Answer 1: This question was…
How Should Men and Women Interact in the Office?
Question: What are some general guidelines for appropriate interactions between men and women in the workplace? Answer: In general, conversations should be reserved for work-related matters. That doesn’t mean you…
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part III
Is There a Yichud Problem for a Man and Woman to be Alone on an Elevator?
Question: Is there a yichud problem for a man and woman to be alone on an elevator? Answer: In the olden days, elevators had operators who were often males, and…
Can a Child be a Shomer for Yichud?
Question: Reuven wants to go into his office on a Sunday to catch up on some work. He knows that the only other person there will be a female employee.…
Can a Jewish Man and Woman Fly Alone Together on a Private Plane?
Question: Is an employer permitted to take a female employee on his private jet to attend a business meeting? Answer: I actually had this shailoh asked to me in the…
If a Man and Woman are Alone in an Office Building, Does Locking the Door Between Them Eliminate The Problem?
Question: It is tax season, and some accountants are staying late in the office. By 7:30pm, everyone has left except one man and one woman. Knowing this could be a…
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part II
Can a Man Give a Woman a Ride to The Mountains?
Question: A man is driving up on his own to the mountains and is requested to give a woman a ride. Is this a yichud problem? Answer: Rav Shlomo Zalman…
Is Having One’s Wife in Town a Heter for Yichud?
Question: Reuven the electrician has a job in someone’s house where only the wife is home and the husband is out-of-town. As we discussed previously, the heter of Ba’alah b’ihr…
Does Ba’alah B’Ihr Apply If The Husband is at Work?
Rabbi Yosef Jacobovits Question: Reuven is an electrician who is doing work in someone’s house. While he is working, only the wife is home, and the husband is at work…
Does the Leniency of “Ba’alah B’ihr” Apply in an Office Setting?
Rabbi Yosef Jacobovits Question: There is a leniency in hilchos yichud known as “Ba’alah b’ihr,” which means that if the woman’s husband is in town there is no concern of…
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part I
Can a Frum Therapist be Alone With a Non-Jewish Client in His Home?
Rabbi Yosef Jacobovits Question: If a Jewish female therapist has a non-Jewish male client, is she permitted to treat him in his house if they are the only two people…
How Severe is the Prohibition of Yichud With a Non-Jewish Man or Woman?
Rabbi Yosef Jacobovits Question: How serious is the prohibition of yichud between a Jewish man and non-Jewish woman? Answer: Generally, when a Jewish man is secluded with a non-Jewish woman,…
How Can a Male Boss Have a Private Meeting With a Female Employee Without Concerns of Yichud?
Rabbi Yosef Jacobovits Question: If a male boss has to have a meeting in his private office with a female employee, what can be done to prevent yichud problems? Answer:…
Is There a Problem of Yichud in a Room Where the Door is Closed but Not Locked?
Rabbi Yosef Jacobovits Question: In some office buildings, a male and female employee might be sitting alone in an office, where the door to the public hallway is closed but…
Lashon Harah in Business Part II: Lashon Harah L’toeles
A Quick Review Of the Laws of Lashon Hara L’Toeles
Rav Baruch Meir Levin Question: Over the past two weeks, we have gone over many halachos of when it is permitted to speak Lashon Hara for a toeles. Can we…
If I Know Information That Is Lashon Hara L’Toeles, Am I Obligated to Say It?
Rav Baruch Meir Levin Question: I want to avoid any problems and don’t want to say anything bad about anyone. If I happen to know some information that would constitute…
What Are The Seven Conditions That Have to be Met to Speak Lashon Hara L’Toeles?
Rav Baruch Meir Levin Question: We mentioned that the Chofetz Chaim lists the seven conditions that one needs to adhere to in order to speak Lashon Hara l’toeles. Does one…
Is it Permitted to Say Lashon Hara L’Toeles if One is Not 100% Sure The Information is Correct?
Question: Is it permitted to share negative information l’toeles if one is not completely sure that the information is true? For example, Shimon and Levi are coworkers who don’t get…
Lashon Harah in Business Part I: The Parameters of Lashon Harah
If Someone Approaches Me to Ask About Someone Else, Am I Permitted to Give Negative Information?
Rav Baruch Meir Levin Question: If someone asks me for information about someone else, am I allowed to give them negative information? Answer: If the advice is solicited from you,…
Is it Permitted to Leave Negative Online Reviews?
Question: Is it permitted to leave negative online reviews for online business, such as Amazon sellers who are Jewish? Is one allowed to read a negative review about someone else? …
Is It Permitted to Say a Restaurant is Crowded if It Will Stop someone From Eating There
Magid Shiur: Rav Baruch Meir Levin Question: What if the person being spoken about didn’t do anything wrong, but it would be beneficial to relate some information about him?…
What Constitutes a Toeles?
Question: It is common knowledge that one is permitted to speak Lashon Hara for a “toeles”. What exactly constitutes a toeles? Answer: People tend to think that “toeles” is a…
The Halachos of Brokerage Part II: Co-Brokering & Volunteer Brokering
Can a Businessman Cut Out The Broker Who Introduced Him to a Bank and do Business With The Bank Directly?
By Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Question: Over the course of many years, Reuven did a lot of business in real estate and typically used a certain loan broker, who arranged loans…
If Someone Has an Exclusive Agreement With a Broker, is There Any Way to Avoid Paying His Commission?
Rav Aryeh Finkel Case: I was looking to sell my house and I signed an exclusivity agreement with a real estate agent for three months. During that time, I bumped…
If a Deal Stalls and is Concluded by Someone Else, Is the Original Broker Owed a Commission?
By Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Question: A fellow who runs a school got a good deal on a property that he purchased through the government. He decides that the property is…
If a Parent is Owed a Free Summer of Camp For His Child, Can He Ask For Cash Instead?
Rav Aryeh Finkel Question: A local day camp ran a promotion in which parents were offered a free summer of camp for their child if they signed up eight other…
The Halachos of Brokerage Part I: The Broker/Client Relationship
Is a Discount on a Sale Considered Part of the Purchase Price Vis-a-vis a Broker’s Commission?
Question: Generally, brokers get a commission based on the closing price. For example, if someone sells a property for $1 million, the broker gets his commission of 15% on that…
If a Deal Falls Through After a Broker is Paid Part of His Commission, Must he Return That Money?
Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Case: I hired a broker to find me a deal and indeed, he did find me a good deal. He asked to be paid a portion of…
Does a Business Have to Pay Commission For an Advertisement That They Never Asked For?
Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Question: Reuven usually places seasonal advertisements for his business in a local magazine. One year, he chose not to advertise; however, the magazine already had his information…
If an Agent on a Sale Arranges For the Seller to Rent From the Buyer, is He Owed a Commission?
Rabbi Aryeh Finkel Question: Reuven contracts a real estate broker to find him an investment property to purchase. His plan is to buy a property and then rent it out. …
Professional Malpractice Part IV: Corruption and Self-Dealing
Does Vote-buying Invalidate an Election?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Question: Berel has a lifelong dream of being a fire chief. To attain his goal, he moved to a small town and ran for this office. To…
Can a Public Official Vote on a Matter That He Has a Financial Interest In?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Question: Is a government official allowed to make decisions on matters which he has a personal financial interest in, or does he have to recuse himself from…
If a Purchasing Agent Takes a Kickback, Does His Employer Have a Claim to That Money?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Question: A purchasing manager took a kickback from a vendor without his employer’s knowledge. The employer found out about it and said that the money from…
Professional Malpractice Part III: Professional Liability
Are Kickbacks Prohibited by The Torah?
Rabbi Yitzchack Grossman Question: Reuven is a hiring manager for a company that has an open position for which many people have applied. One of the applicants offers him an…
Is It Permitted to Sue a Doctor’s Insurance Company in Court?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Question: Reuven is the victim of medical malpractice and wants to sue his doctor’s insurance in order to receive sufficient payment. Is it permitted for him to…
Is a Doctor Who Committed Malpractice Obligated to Pay According to The Legal Standard?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Question: A doctor was negligent with a patient and is clearly liable for malpractice according to halacha. The patient wants the doctor to pay him the amount…
Can Someone Make a Claim Against an Auditor For an Inaccurate Report?
Rabbi Yitzchok Grossman Question: Reuven is looking for a company to invest in, and Shimon has a company and is looking for investors. Shimon meets with Reuven and shows him…
Professional Malpractice Part II: Medical Malpractice
If a Doctor Delegates Responsibility, Who is Liable For a Misguided Treatment?
Rabbi Yitzchok Grossman Question: It is common for doctors to diagnose patients and then to have their nurses perform the actual procedure. If a doctor’s negligence leads to a misdiagnosis,…
Is a Doctor Liable For Taking a Calculated Risk?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Case: Yankel’s cardiologist is very concerned after his check-up. He informs the patient that his heart is in very bad shape and, if the problem is not…
Is a Doctor Liable for a Misdiagnosis?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Case: Reuven was not feeling well. He went to see his doctor, who told him that he is deathly ill with cancer and must start chemotherapy immediately.…
Is a Surgeon Liable for Malpractice?
Rabbi Yitzchak Grossman Question: A surgeon is operating on a patient and, during surgery, inadvertently caused damage to the patient. Is he liable for this damage? Answer: The basic halachic…
Professional Malpractice Part I: General Malpractice
Is My Mechanic Liable For Advising Me to Buy a Lemon?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Case: I was in the process of buying a used car and took it to my mechanic for an inspection. He gave it a clean bill of…
Can a Lawyer be Held Liable For Giving Bad Legal Advice?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Case: Reuven is a respected attorney. A client of his approached him and asked for legal advice regarding a specific issue. Reuven gave him instructions, which ended…
Is a Repairman Liable For Breaking an HVAC Unit?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Question: My air conditioner was not working well so I called a repairman to fix it. While working, he damaged the entire HVAC unit. Is he liable…
If a Repairman Ruins My Computer, Is He Liable to Pay?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Question: I gave my computer to a technician for a minor repair. As he was working on it, one of his tools slipped and broke the computer…
Ribbis in Commerce Part IV: Banks, Unions, & Corporations
Can I Take a Loan With Interest For My LLC That Has No Assets?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: I have an idea for a startup and need capital. Although I don’t have any assets yet, I opened an LLC and want to take a…
May I Let My Friend Use My Credit Card to Make a Purchase That Contains Interest?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Case: Reuven has an Amazon business and needs funds to make some purchases. His friend, Shimon, offers to let him use his credit card, as long as…
If a Partner Takes Out a Loan on Behalf of a Partnership, Can He Force His Partner to Repay Him Out of Pocket?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: In the last segment, we discussed a case where one partner takes out a line of credit for a business under his name and wants to…
Ribbis in Commerce Part III: Loans From Non-Jews on Behalf of Jewish Borrowers
Do Partners Need a Heter Iska When One of Them Takes a Loan in His Name?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: Two partners need capital for their business. Only one of them qualifies for a line of credit, so he takes a loan in his name on…
Do I Need a Heter Iska if My Father Cosigns on My Mortgage?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: When I was looking into buying a house, I wasn’t able to get a mortgage on my own. Naturally, I went to my father to…
What Should Someone Do if He Already Has a Loan Taken Out From a Credit Union?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: In the last segment, we explained that loans from credit unions may be more halachically problematic than loans from banks. What should someone do if he…
Is it Permitted to Borrow Money From a Credit Union?
Rav Shmuel Honigwachs Question: A few years ago, there was a big tumult about taking loans from credit unions. Is this a problem? Answer: Several years ago, a letter was…
Ribbis in Commerce Part II: Credit Sales & Services
Is a Landlord Allowed to Charge Late Fees?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: When a landlord rents an apartment to a tenant, is he allowed to write in the contract that the tenant will be charged a fee if…
Is It Permitted For a Vendor to Offer Credit at an Inflated Price?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: I am a vendor who sells merchandise to a large, Jewish-owned store. Common practice is to present an invoice upon delivery, with payment due in 60…
Is There Any Way For a Musician to Ask for Money In Advance?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: Workers often need cash upfront and cannot wait until the job begins. Is there any way for them to get around the problem of pesika? Answer:…
Is It Permitted to Pay a Musician in Advance of a Simcha?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: I am making a simcha and want to hire a specific musician. He asked for payment upfront and offered me a discount if I prepay. Is…
Ribbis in Commerce Part I: Prepayments & Borrowing Measure-for-Measure
Is it Permitted to Prepay for a Custom-Made Suit?
By Rav Yosef Kushner Question: If someone is ordering custom-made goods, for example a custom-made suit, would he be allowed to prepay, or would this be a problem of pesika?…
What Are Some Practical Applications of Pesika?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: In the previous segment, we discussed the prohibition of prepayments, or pesika. What are some other practical applications of this prohibition? Answer: It is common for…
Is It Permitted to Prepay For an Item That is Out of Stock?
By Rav Yosef Kushner Case: I needed a dryer, but the store I went to didn’t have it in stock. They ordered one and said it will be delivered in…
What is Ribbis Derech Mekach?
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: I have heard the term ribbis derech mekach used quite a bit. What does it mean? Answer: To preface, it is important to know that the…
Ribbis IV: Heter Iska
Should a Business Have a General Heter Iska?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: I am starting a lending company that gives loans with interest. Since it is possible that I may have clients…
What Was the Original Heter Iska?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: Reuven is giving a hard money loan to a Jewish lender and knows that he needs a heter iska. He…
Is it Possible to Have a Partnership Without a Heter Iska?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: I don’t want to rely on the leniency of heter iska if I don’t have to. On other hand, I…
Is a Guaranteed Investment a Problem of Ribbis?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: A friend of mine approached me and relayed that he has an opportunity to purchase some very rare manuscripts…
Ribbis III: Conditional Ribbis
Is a Buy-Back Option a Way Around Ribbis?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: I bought a house many years ago. Since I was unable to get a mortgage on my own, my friend…
Is it Permitted to Have Ribbis Paid to a Third Party?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: My friend is about to make a business deal and is short $50,000. He asked me to lend him the…
Is it Forbidden to Lend with Ribbis to a Corporation?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: Reuven was granting a loan with interest to a large limited liability company. He noticed that the CEO’s name sounds…
Are Late Fees and Penalties a Problem of Ribbis?
Rav Yosef Dovid Josilowsky, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Many service agreements and contracts contain provisions, such as late fees and penalties. Can including these penalties in the contract…
Ribbis II: Classifications of Ribbis
Am I Allowed to Tip a Worker if Payment was Delayed?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: I like to tip people who work for me and do a good job. A painter recently painted my…
Is it Permitted to Repay a Loan in Full When the Lender Mistakenly Gave Less than what was Agreed Upon?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: Yankel was in need of a loan of $5,000. The only person he was able to ask was Shimon,…
Can I Honor my Father-in-Law as Sandak if I Owe Him Money?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: Reuven borrowed money from his father-in-law. Subsequently, he had a baby boy and now wants to honor his father-in-law…
May One Buy an Aliyah for Someone who Gave Him a Loan?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: I borrowed money from a friend of mine from shul. After I paid him back, I wanted to…
Ribbis I: The Prohibition of Ribbis
Why is it Permitted to Charge a Non-Jew Interest?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Question: My non-frum acquaintance wanted to borrow money and I explained that a heter iska would be needed because a…
Is One Allowed to Engage in a Ribbis Transaction With a Non-Frum Jew Who Won’t Agree to Use a Heter Iska?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: Reuven does a lot of business with Yidden and is very scrupulous to use a heter iska when…
Is It Forbidden For a Notary Public To Notarize a Document That Contains Ribbis?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: Reuven is a notary public who works in a company that employs a number of non-frum Jews. One day,…
May a Lawyer Draft a Contract For a Loan That Contains Ribbis?
Harav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Gershon L'Dayanus Case: Reuven is a lawyer. He is asked to draw up a loan contract between two Jews, and upon reading…
Loans & Collections: Part IV
Is Bankruptcy Valid as Minhag Hamakom?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Previously we discussed whether bankruptcy laws are valid because of the rule of dina…
Bankruptcy in Halacha
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: According to modern law, a debtor who can’t pay back his debt can file…
Does Yei’ush Apply to Loans?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Someone owed me money and, after I realized he was unable or unwilling to pay,…
Do Loans Have a Statute of Limitations?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: Reuven borrows money from Shimon and Shimon soon forgets about the loan and doesn’t…
Loans & Collections: Part III
Can A Worker’s Tools Be Seized to Repay a Debt?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: You’ve mentioned that when a beis din seizes assets, they allow the debtor…
Seizing Personal Assets to Repay a Loan
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: If a borrower doesn’t repay a loan, can beis din seize his personal…
Can a Borrower Be Forced to Take a Job to Repay His Debt?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Case: Reuven comes to beis din and says that Shimon borrowed money from him…
The Prohibition to Ask For Repayment From a Borrower Who Cannot Repay
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Is a lender always allowed to ask for repayment of a loan? Is…
Loans & Collections: Part II
Vouching For a Borrower
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Shimon asks Reuven for a loan. Shimon is not sure if Reuven is…
Arvus on Other Debts Besides Loans
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Traditionally, when we talk about arvus we are talking about loans. But there…
How Should an Areiv Express His Commitment?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Is there a specific way a guarantor has to express his guarantorship on…
Can a Verbal Commitment Guarantee a Loan?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: When people cosign on a debt, the cosigner typically signs a contract to…
Loans & Collections: Part I
Lending with a Heter Iska
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Many people use heter iskas when giving loans. Essentially, a heter iska restructures…
Who Takes Precedence When Giving a Loan?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: There are typically two types of loans: loans given to poor people…
Does Someone Have to Give Up an Investment Opportunity to Give a Loan?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman , Rosh Kollel of Greater Washington and Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Generally, when someone gives a loan, we don’t view it as a loss to…
Is There an Obligation to Lend Money & or Assets to Another Jew?
Case: Reuven is walking down the street with $20 in his pocket, not meant for any specific purpose. Shimon comes over and asks to borrow $20. Question: Does he have…
Exporting Shemittah Produce
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Dayan at The Bais HaVaad Question: I am visiting Eretz Yisroel this year and would like to bring back…
Practical Applications of Kedushas Sheviis
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Question: What is kedushas sheviis and what are its practical applications? Answer: Kedushas sheviis…
What Visitors From Abroad During Shemittah Need to Know
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Question: I hope to visit Eretz Yisroel this year. What do I need to…
Keeping Shemittah From Abroad
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Case : Reuven owns an apartment in Eretz Yisroel, and it has a fruit…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 4
Giving Tzedakah on Condition of Personal Benefit
Rav Baruch Fried Case: Reuven was in the middle of working out a complex business deal that had the potential of earning him a large profit. He happened to receive…
Extra Tzedakah Money
Rav Baruch Fried Question: An individual organized a fundraising event for a very specific cause. He needed to raise a certain amount of money to cover the costs of this…
Lost Ma’aser Money
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Reuven had an envelope full of ma’aser money that he planned on disbursing to the tzedakah collectors in his shul. Somehow, he accidentally misplaced the money;…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 3
Using Ma’aser Instead of Charging Interest
Rav Baruch Fried Question: I have a friend who is struggling in business. He needs an interest-free loan to stay afloat and he asked me to lend him the money,…
Using Ma’aser Money to Write Off a Loan
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Reuven lends money to Shimon and he knows that Shimon is poor and cannot repay the loan. Reuven wants to forgive the loan and deduct the…
Prepaying Ma’aser
Rav Baruch Fried Case: Reuven has a business and usually takes off ma’aser at the end of each year. This year, he made a very profitable deal that netted him…
Putting Aside Ma’aser Money For After a Child’s Wedding
Rav Baruch Fried Question: My children are very young but I am already thinking about their futures. I hope that they will remain in Kollel for an extended period of…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 2
Paying For a Child’s Extracurricular Activities With Ma’aser Money
Rav Baruch Fried Question: If someone’s child needs extracurricular activities like clubs, piano lessons or horseback riding, can he use ma’aser to pay for it? Answer: If someone cannot afford…
Using Ma’aser to Provide Professional Services Pro Bono
Rav Baruch Fried Question: If someone provides professional services for free to a needy person or organization, can he deduct the value of his services from his ma’aser account? Answer:…
Using Ma’aser Money For Raffle Tickets
Rav Baruch fried Question: Many organizations hold raffle campaigns as fundraisers. May one use ma’aser money to purchase raffle tickets? Answer: The Taz says that one can use ma’aser money…
Ma’aser for Tuition
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Can one use ma’aser money for tuition payments? Answer: The general rule is that one cannot use ma’aser money to pay for mitzvos that he is…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 1
Ma’aser on Real Estate
Rav Baruch Fried Question: An investor bought a piece of real estate for $250,000 and subsequently sold it for $350,000, netting him a profit of $100,000. In order to avoid…
Ma’aser on Stocks
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Does an individual who has a stock portfolio need to give ma’aser on the appreciation of a stock, even if he doesn’t plan to sell the…
Is Ma’aser Given From Gross or Net Income?
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Ma’aser is defined as 10% of income. Is it given from one’s gross income or his net income? Answer: There is a fundamental machlokes discussed by…
Best Practices of Giving Ma’aser
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Can you please give an overall outline regarding the best practices when giving ma’aser. Answer: In Sefer Ahavas Chesed, the Chofetz Chaim provides a step-by-step outline…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 4
Backing Out of a Tzedakah Commitment
Rav Baruch Fried Question: Somebody decides to give a certain amount of money to a specific organization. Later, he has second thoughts and wants to either give it elsewhere or…
Taking Tzedakah Money To Sit & Learn
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: We have stated that one should avoid taking tzedakah if he has the option of supporting himself. Today, there are thousands of people…
Is Giving Anonymously Always Best?
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Case: Reuven is a successful businessman who donates generously to many worthy causes, including the yeshiva he learned by as a bochur. The yeshiva’s…
The Maximum Amount of Chomesh
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: Is it true that a person is not permitted to give more than one-fifth of his income to tzedakah? Answer: The Gemara says…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 3
Supporting an Upper-Class Lifestyle
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: A wealthy man lost all his money overnight. He is now penniless but is still used to a very high standard of living.…
Financial Assistance For Someone Who is Not Poor
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: There are many people who are financially stable and self-sufficient, but when it comes time to marry off a child, they can’t afford…
The Time Frame For Ma’aser
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: Is there a specific time frame to give ma’aser? If I prefer to give all of my ma’aser once a year when I…
It Is Better To “Turn Shabbos Into a Weekday” Than To Take Tzedakah
Question: If someone is collecting because he has no money, but one knows for a fact that the poor person could get a job and make a living on his…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 2
Verifying The Legitimacy of Tzedakah
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: People are approached quite often and asked to donate to a variety of causes. Most people have no way of ascertaining who is…
The Definition of an Ani
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: What are the defining factors and parameters that categorize any individual as a poor person eligible to receive tzedakah or ma’aser? Answer: The…
Tzedakah Collectors During Davening
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: Many poor people solicit funds in shuls during davening. Does one have to interrupt his davening to give donations to each collector? Answer:…
Does Someone Taking Tzedakah Have to Give Tzedakah?
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: Many young men in Kollel are supported by parents or in-laws. Does such a person have an obligation to give ma'aser from his…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 1
Text And Email Solicitation
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: People today often receive text message and email solicitations for tzedakah. Is there an obligation to give a donation to each one?…
Does Family Come First?
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: When giving ma'aser to poor people, can one give priority to needy family members? Is one obligated to do so? Answer: We learn…
The Hierarchy of Tzedakah
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: Everybody has different worthy causes that speak to them and to which they like to give priority when giving tzedakah. For example, some…
The Differences Between Tzedakah and Ma’aser
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: We are all familiar with the terms “tzedakah” and “ma'aser”. Are these two words synonymous or do they have different definitions? Answer:…
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 5
Who Pays The Shipping Costs to Return a Mekach Ta’os?
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Case: I bought a washing machine in Brooklyn and had it shipped up to the mountains…
Mekach Ta’os on Size and Quantity
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: An individual who sells medical supplies made an order from one of his regular suppliers.…
Is It The Same House or a Different House?
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Case: Reuven went into contract on a house and did all his due diligence – he…
The Cost of Tissues
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park, Dayan at Bais HaVaad Case: Someone makes an order from his local grocery store, with tissues being one of the items he…
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 4
Mekach Ta’os if the Item Was Damaged
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Case: A customer orders a chocolate cake from a local bakery. The cake is delivered on…
Can One Claim Mekach Ta’os After Using The Item?
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Case: Someone buys a used car, pays for it, and takes it home with plans to…
All Sales Are Final
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: Stores often run sales where they offer lower prices but explicitly say that, “All sales…
Flaws That Are Easily Noticeable
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad: Question: We discussed how minor imperfections may not make the sale of a home a mekach…
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 3
Acceptable and Unacceptable Flaws in a House
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad: Question: Someone bought a house and, after living in it for a week, realized there was…
If I Hire a Singer for My Wedding and the Agency Sends Me the Wrong Singer, What Are My Options?
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: Reuven is making a bar mitzvah for his oldest son. He plans on making a…
Mekach Ta’os on a Vacation
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad: Question: Reuven booked a vacation home after seeing an advertisement that depicted it as a beautiful,…
Mekach Ta’os in Bartering
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: We know that if someone buys a product with the understanding that it is of…
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 2
The Price of a Drink in an Amusement Park
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rov of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad: Question: In some settings prices are inordinately higher than elsewhere. For example, in amusement parks and…
Onaah During a Shortage
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rov of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad: Question: During the early days of COVID, there was a major shortage of hand sanitizer, which…
Setting The Price For a Dental Procedure
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rov of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad: Question: In some industries there are no clear market rates. Take dentists for example: Some charge…
Listing a House Above the Appraised Value
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Case: Housing prices today are rising rapidly and it is very common for sellers to receive…
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 1
Onaah in Discount Markets
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: In Manhattan, it is very common for street vendors to sell knockoffs of name brands.…
Ona’ah in Supermarkets
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: In the grocery store where I typically shop, a bottle of milk costs $3. I…
The Value of Antiques (Ona’ah on the Buyer)
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Case: Antique Judaica is a very popular industry today. There are many collectors who are…
Ona’ah in Today’s Working Environment
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Rav of Khal Dexter Park and Dayan in the Bais HaVaad Question: Ona'ah is classically defined as when an item is priced above 1/6th more than…
Commitments & Kinyanim Part IV
Reading The Fine Print
Rav Eliezer Cohen Case: Reuven just bought a new house and is finally able to move out of his basement apartment. When he informs his landlord that he will be…
Kinyanim of a Minor
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A child finds some money laying around at home and takes it to the grocery store, where he happily purchases a lot of candy. Of course,…
Kinyanim Between a Jew and a Non-Jew
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Do the same principles of kinyanim that apply in transactions between Jews also apply in deals between a Jew and a non-Jew? Answer: The short answer…
Credit Card and Check Payments
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Today, there are many substitutes for cash that can be used for payments, such as credit cards and checks. How does halacha view these payments as…
Commitments & Kinyanim Part III
Using The Industry Board to Resolve Disputes
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Two Jewish diamond dealers got into a monetary dispute. As per industry best practices, these types of disputes are usually adjudicated by the diamond board. Are…
When Does a Kinyan Take Effect in a Real Estate Sale?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: When one purchases real estate there are various steps that take place after a payment is made, (even if the buyer pays in cash) such as…
Reading Someone Else’s Newspaper: Is It Stealing?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: I have a subscription to a newspaper, which is delivered daily to my mailbox. My neighbor doesn’t want to pay for the paper, so he gets…
Making a Kinyan Subconsciously
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: When someone shops in a grocery store, he probably doesn’t have any sort of intent to make a kinyan. This leads us to the question of…
Commitments & Kinyanim Part II
Items Destroyed in Transit; Who is Responsible?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Case: Reuven manufactures frying pans overseas and imports them to America. Shimon, a frying pan wholesaler, is one of his customers. He purchases pans from Reuven and…
Buyer Vs. Seller; Who Takes The Loss For Damaged Items?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question 1: On Erev Pesach, an individual made a last-minute order of meat for Yom Tov and paid in cash. The store sent him the meat through…
How Does a Mi Shepara Work as a Deterrent?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: It seems interesting that Chazal voided cash as a kinyan but created a special curse to discourage someone from backing out of the deal. What is…
When Merchandise is Damaged After a Cash Payment
Rav Eliezer Cohen Case: Reuven runs a bargain basement men’s and boys’ clothing store. He sells clothing to customers, as well as to other retailers. One of his steady customers,…
Commitments & Kinyanim Part I
Backing Out of a Verbal Agreement
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Reuven is a stockbroker who likes to throw in incentives for his customers to use his services. He approached some potential clients and told them that…
Returning Items After Intending to Purchase Them
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A local music store offers a service of “lending” instruments to potential customers, enabling them to try out a given product before making the purchase. I…
Mentally Agreeing to Accept an Offer
Rav Eliezer Cohen Case: I put my house on the market. One night, I received an email from my agent notifying me that he got a bid for $400,000. I…
What Constitutes a Valid Kinyan?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: What constitutes a “kinyan”, act of acquisition to gain ownership of an item, in today’s world? Answer: There are basically four stages of kinyanim. Step one…
Competition & Infringement - Part IV
Stealing Cleaning Help
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: My neighbor has a very good cleaning lady. Am I allowed to offer her more money than she is paying to work for me instead? On…
Stealing a Manufacturing Idea From a Competitor
HaRav Chaim Weg Case: I got wind of the fact that a competitor of mine is producing a new product and planning to bring it to the market, yet he…
May One Ruin a Partnership by Relating Negative Information?
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: Two people are in negotiations to enter into a partnership. If I know negative information about one partner, may I proactively give over this information to…
Lowering One’s Price to Get a Customer
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: I own a housewares store, where some of my popular items for sale are plates and dishes. I received a phone call from a customer who…
Competition & Infringement - Part III
Taking Away a Customer During Negotiations With a Competitor
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: A worker in the wholesale industry has been working for weeks trying to close a deal with a new client. His competitor hears about it through…
Ownership of Rights: Employee Vs. Company
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: A salesman from a large company is switching to work for another company. He wants to know if the clients he brought into the company he…
Directing Customers to the Cheapest Store
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: I like helping people; one way I try to help is by finding them the best deals. If I hear someone is in the market for…
Poaching Customers
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: Reuven owns a credit card processing company. Is he allowed to schedule an appointment with a business owner who currently uses the services of his competitor,…
Competition & Infringement - Part II
Luring Away Customers Already Inside a Competing Store
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: Reuven has an electronics store that offers affordable prices. There’s another store in town that charges a little more for some of the same products. Is…
Competition Amongst Service Providers
HaRav Chaim Weg Case: An individual had a knack for electrical work and decided to parlay that into a career. He took the necessary courses, became a licensed, certified electrician,…
Competition in Talmud Torah
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: A rebbi has a side business of learning Mishnayos with boys who want to make a siyum at their bar mitzvah. He is very successful with…
Competing Through Online Sales
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: I have an Amazon business and I fulfill orders all over the country. Do I have to worry about the impact my sales may have on…
Competition & Infringement - Part I
Non-Locals Opening Competing Local Businesses
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: Reuven runs a successful babysitting agency and has opened a few locations in town. He wants to explore ways to expand in order to make more…
May I Run Sales and Promotions Which Will Negatively Impact the Other Competing Store?
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: Is a store permitted to undercut its competitor by running sales and promotions that may draw away customers? Answer: As we said previously, one is allowed…
Guidelines For Competitors
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: We know that it is permitted for a local resident to open a competing business, even if it will cause a loss in profits for an…
Competing With an Existing Store
HaRav Chaim Weg, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: Someone lives in a small town with only one pizza shop. He is unhappy with the service and food at that…
Corporate Chametz - Part III
Discovering Delivered Chametz After Pesach
Rav Yosef Kushner, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: We know that if someone received a shipment of chametz on Pesach, he would have to burn the chametz if his…
Receiving a Shipment of Chametz on Pesach
Rav Yosef Kushner, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: If someone owns a warehouse and receives a shipment of chametz on Pesach, what should he do? Answer: It is forbidden…
Serving Chametz to a Non-Jew in My Nursing Home on Pesach
Rav Yosef Kushner, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: If someone owns a nursing home that serves chametz on Pesach to the residents, would selling his chametz before yom tov…
Chametz in a Rented Warehouse
Rav Yosef Kushner, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad Question: I own a warehouse and I have a tenant storing chametz; is that forbidden, because I am benefitting from chametz? Answer:…
Corporate Chametz - Part II
Someone Works in Foodservice, and Part of His Job is to Handle Chametz, Is There an Issue With This?
Question: If someone has a job working with chametz food, is that a problem on Pesach? Answer: It is a big problem. The halacha is that it is forbidden to…
If I Have an Amazon Store Which I Realized Sold Some Chametz on Pesach, Can I Keep the Money From Those Sales?
Question: If someone has an Amazon business and realizes on Pesach that some products that he’s selling contain chametz, is he permitted to keep the profits? Answer: First of all,…
Co-ops and Chametz in Common Areas
Rav Yosef Kushner, Dayan in The Bais HaVaad Question: If someone lives in a co-op -style housing complex, such as a senior living community, which has common areas that are…
Non-Jewish Tenants Vs. Secular Jewish Tenants
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In previous segments, we discussed non-Jews leaving chametz on one’s property. What about non-observant Jews? Would they be any different? Answer: The answer is that they…
Corporate Chametz - Part I
Non-Jewish Employees Bringing Chametz Into a Leased Office Building
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In the previous segments, we discussed cases where someone owns a building where non-Jews bring chametz on Pesach. What if one doesn’t own the building but…
What Can One do with Chametz on Pesach in Regards to Common Areas of a Building Which He Owns?
Rav Yosef Kushner, Dayan Bais HaVaad Question: In the previous segment, we spoke about chametz in rented-out apartments, and concluded that it usually is not a problem. What about common…
Chametz in Rented Apartments
Rav Yosef Kushner Question: If someone owns an apartment building with non-Jewish tenants who will have chametz in their apartments on Pesach, is that a concern? Answer: Chametz that belongs…
Regular Chometz Vs. Corporate Chometz
Question: When it comes to chometz on Pesach, is there any difference between getting rid of the chometz I have in my house and disposing of chometz in a business…
Partnerships & Corporations Part IV - Mutual liability
If a Partner Makes an Error
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: We previously spoke about an instance where one partner deviates from the partnership – for example, if the business sells electronics and he decides to purchase…
When an Item is Sold for Less Than Its Worth
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If one partner sells merchandise at an inopportune time, deviating from the standard practice of the industry, and as a result the partnership suffers a loss,…
If Assets are Damaged or Lost While Under the Care of One Partner
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If one partner is storing merchandise in his possession on behalf of a partnership and the assets are lost or stolen, is he responsible to cover…
When a Partner Launches His Own Line of Business
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: What is the halacha if one partner in a business deviates from the standard line of the partnership? For example, if a business sells electronics, and…
Partnerships & Corporations Part III - Profits & Losses
If One Partner Saves Assets Belonging to the Partnership, Does He Get The Assets?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If a business owned by partners has an emergency, such as a fire in a warehouse, and one partner rushes in and saves some of the…
Can One Partner Make Unilateral Decisions Without Consulting the Others?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: Before a partner makes a business decision, does he have to obtain the approval of the other partners? For example, could one partner allow a customer…
If a Partner Uses His Own Personal Warehouse, Are the Others Obligated to Pay Him Rent?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If one partner in a business allows the partnership to use his warehouse to store their merchandise, can he demand to be paid rent? Answer: The…
Can Someone Sell Something on Behalf of a Partnership Without Informing his Partners?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If someone is a partner in a real estate company, together with a few other partners and he decides on his own to sell a property,…
Partnerships & Corporations Part II - Profits and Losses
Vicarious (Secondary) Liability: Who is Responsible?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: In western law there’s a concept of vicarious responsibility, where an employer is sometimes responsible for the actions of his employees. For example, in a restaurant,…
If a Partner Engages in Unscrupulous Activities, How Does it Affect the Other Partners?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If one partner does something illegal on behalf of the partnership – for example, he buys something on the black market – and the partnership is…
If My Partnership Takes a Loan, am I Personally Liable?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Question: If one partner arranges for a loan for the partnership as a whole, and now that creditor is ready to collect, can the creditor go after…
Dividing Profits When the Terms Were Not Specified
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: How should partners split their profits when the terms were not clearly specified? If one partner put up 70% and the other 30%, should they divide…
Partnerships & Corporations - Part I
Can One be Forced into a Partnership Against His Will?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Question: Can one ever be compelled to chip in and join a partnership if there is a communal need? Answer: It’s clear from the Mishnah and Gemara…
Is it Permitted to Own Shares in a Company That Sells Chometz on Pesach?
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If one owns shares in a corporation, does that mean that he is considered a halachic partner? Would this mean it would be forbidden to own…
Legal Partnerships Vs. Halachic Partnerships
Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If a partnership is created in a way that is not according to halacha, but is in accordance with common custom or legal norms, is that…
Does One Need a Kinyan to Make a Partnership?
Rav Yitzchak Grossman Question: If two people want to enter a business partnership together, what do they have to do to ensure the shutfus is halachically binding? Answer: In general,…
Non-Compete Agreements
Can I Flout the Terms of a Non-Compete if I am Willing to Accept the Penalties?
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: An employee signed a non-compete, agreeing to pay a fine if he engages in certain behaviors. He later wishes to flout the agreement, and is…
Is a Verbal Non-Compete Binding?
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: We have spoken about the efficacy of a halachic non-compete. Would it be less enforceable if it was only agreed to verbally, without any documentation?…
Does One Have Any Recourse to Extricate Himself from a Halachic Non-Compete?
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: Reuven signed a halachic non-compete that he claims locks him into very unfair terms, such as forbidding him to ever work again in his industry.…
Halachic Non-Compete Vs. Legal Non-Compete
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: Is there a benefit to having a halachic non-compete document over a standard legal one? Answer: One of most sensitive documents from a halachic perspective…
Agreement Validation Clause
Are There Any Limitations to an Agreement Validation Clause?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: It seems that this Agreement Validation clause that is employed in Halachic Contracts is a very powerful thing. Is there anything that it does not cover?…
What Can One Do to Avoid a Shtar Being Invalidated Due to Duress?
Rabbi Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: We recently discussed the halachos of moda’ah (claim of duress) and how it can override an agreement between two parties. What can one be on…
Can One Bet on Sports, Politics or Anything Else?
Rabbi Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: Today, there is a big gambling industry, with people placing bets on sports, elections, and many other things. Is such betting permitted according to halacha?…
Can One Claim That They Won’t Pay to Force a Settlement Agreement?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Case: Reuven lends Shimon one million dollars. When he comes to collect, Shimon says that he doesn’t want to pay him, Reuven says that he will take…
Laws of Asmachta
Is A Contract Signed Under Duress Halachically Valid?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: Reuven went into business with his family. Now, he finds himself pressured to make certain transactions, sign over things to certain people and create other documents…
May I Say That I Read and Agree to the Terms of a Document If I Didn’t Actually Read the Whole Thing?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: If someone sends me a 25-page halachic shtar in an email and instructs me to read and confirm it, do I actually have to read it?…
Are Electronic Signatures Valid According to Halacha?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: In today’s digital world, much commerce is done digitally, with signatures signed via computerized documents. What standing do such signatures have halachically? Answer: There is a…
Can a Heter Iska Have The Power of a Loan Document?
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Laws of Asmachta - BHDs Can a Heter Iska Have The Power of a Loan Document? Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigswachs Question: We know that once…
Contracts 101
If Someone Borrowed Money And Says He Paid It Back, Is He Believed?
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Case: There is a concept of ne’emanus which is usually placed in a halachic shtar. This usually means that the promissory note has a stipulation that the…
I’m Starting a Business. For Which Parts Do I Need a Halachic Shtar?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: I am starting a new business. Naturally, there are a lot of moving parts. I am hiring employees, partnering with people, taking out loans etc. Can…
Halachic Shtar Vs. Legal Contract
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: If I have a legal document for a loan or transaction, is there still a reason for me to have a halachic shtar as…
If I Am Lending Money to a Friend, Do I Need a Shtar?
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: My friend approached me for a loan, and I agreed. He said that he wants to write a proper shtar, halachic contract, for the loan.…
Halachos of Employment Part 4
May I Refuse a Friday Delivery To Save My Money For My Shabbos Needs?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: As I head out to the store on Erev Shabbos, the cleaners delivery pulls up. I do not have enough money to pay for both the…
Would it be permitted for a Jewish man to take a job as a police officer or other risky professions, given that this would involve some danger and personal risk?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Would it be permitted for a Jewish man to take a job as a police officer or other risky professions, given that this would involve some…
May An Employer Withhold Salary to Leverage His Employees to Take Less Money?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Case: A business owner with many employees thought of a way to cut corners and maximize his bottom line; he realized that if he doesn’t pay his…
Is it Forbidden To Pay My Rent Late?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: We know that there is a prohibition of “ba’al talin”, delaying payment of a worker. Is it also forbidden to pay one’s rent late? …
Halachos of Employment Part 3
Buying Jewish: Supermarket Chains Vs. Mom-and-Pop Stores
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: We previously spoke about the importance of patronizing Jewish businesses. Does the same mitzvah apply to large Jewish-owned supermarket chain stores? Should one give them…
Do I Need to Buy My Products From a Jew?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Case: I buy a lot of supplies for my business. I can buy from a local Jewish hardware store, or from one of the big box…
When Hiring an Employee For a Vacancy, Must One Hire a Jew?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A company has a number of open positions. They have received many resumés from job seekers, and have the ability to choose which employees they…
May a Volunteer Chazzan Back Out At The Last Minute?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A member of a shul serves as the chazzan on the Yomim Noraim on a volunteer basis. One year, he informs the gabbai on Erev Rosh…
Halachos of Employment Part 2
May One Back Out of Sending His Child to Camp After He Committed?
By Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Camp Yad Hatorah had a successful registration season. They received many applications for the upcoming summer, which were submitted along with registration fees. A…
May One Cancel a Plumber While He Is On His Way Over?
By Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Someone calls a plumber to make a repair in his home. A short while later, the plumber calls back and says that he is in…
May an Employer Fire an Employee In The Middle of a Contract?
By Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: In the middle of the school year, an educational institution finds itself in a difficult financial situation. They currently employ an experienced secretary, who has…
May I Back Out on a Tailor While He is in The Middle of Fixing My Suit?
By Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: My suit was getting old and needed some alterations, and I brought it to a tailor to be fixed. Meanwhile, my wife decided that it…
Halachos of Employment Part 1
May a Contractor Back Out of a Job if He Took on Too Much Work?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: Reuven is a contractor with a flourishing business. In fact, business is booming so much and he has so many customers that he realized he can’t…
May An Employee Quit Mid-Contract If He Receives a Better Offer?
May An Employee Quit Mid-Contract If He Receives a Better Offer? By Rav Eliezer Cohen, Dayan on the Bais Hava’ad L’Inyanei MIshpat and Rosh Kollel of Kollel Choshen Mishpat in…
May One Rescind a Hiring in Favor of a Relative?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A business owner hired an individual for a certain job. Shortly thereafter, he discovered that a relative of his had moved to town and was looking…
May a Ba’al Koreh Back Out of His Commitment to a Shul?
Rav Eliezer Cohen Question: A shul hired a ba’al koreh to lein the Parshah every week. After a few weeks, he regrets taking the job and wants to give it…
Halachic Considerations of Corporate Gifting
May a Jew Pay for Non-Kosher Food for a Corporate Party?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: May a Jewish employer order non-kosher food for his non-Jewish employees to have a party? Answer: It is forbidden for a Jewish employer to purchase…
Are There Limitations on Which Gifts are Allowed?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner When it comes to non-Jewish acquaintances, (where there exists an expectation of reciprocation or maintaining the relationship) it isn’t a problem of lo sichanem; and you can…
Specific Cases Where This Issur Applies
Rabbi Yosef Kushner When it comes to non-Jewish acquaintances, (where there exists an expectation of reciprocation or maintaining the relationship) it isn’t a problem of “lo sichanem” and you…
May One Give a Corporate Gift To an Akum?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: When it comes to this time of year, many companies give out corporate gifts to all of their employees. Is there a problem with giving…
Geneivas Da'as & Acceptable Marketing Part 2
Can a Storeowner Lure Customers Into His Store With Sales and Discounts?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Someone who owns a supermarket is looking to attract customers. He has considered one idea of selling certain items below cost price, which would draw…
Can One Sell Fruits of Superior and Inferior Quality Together?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Reuven owns a fruit store. He receives his fruit from a few suppliers, some of which provide better quality produce than others. Does mixing different…
May a Store-Owner Exaggerate the Features of His Product?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Someone walks into an electronics store looking to buy a good MP3 player, but the store has only one type of MP3 player in stock…
May a Seller Falsely Claim That a Product is on Sale?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: A customer enters a store in which not all products have marked prices. When he finds an item he is potentially interested in buying, he…
Geneivas Da'as Part 1
How to Do Teshuvah for Geneivas Da’as
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Someone violated the prohibition of geneivas da’as by deceiving another in one of the ways discussed over the last few segments (e.g., selling an item while…
Is Painting an Old Car Before Selling It Considered Geneivas Da’as?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Someone owns an eight-year old car that he now wishes to sell. The car’s exterior is not in the greatest condition and contains some dents after…
Must I correct Someone’s Faulty Assumptions?
Question: An individual from Lakewood was making a wedding for one of his children in Chicago. A good friend of his from Lakewood happened to be in Chicago on business…
What Constitutes Geneivas Da’as?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Many people are familiar with the term “geneivas da’as” and are aware that it is forbidden. However, not everyone realizes what the basic parameters of geneivas…
Gezel Akum Part 2
May One Renege on a Real Estate Contract During Attorney Review?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: The process of purchasing real estate consists of three different stages: signing the contract, an Attorney review period (only in certain states), and closing. Is it…
What Should You do with a Package Received That is not Yours?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: A person received a package delivered to his house. He had not ordered any package, nor did he expect to receive such a package from anyone.…
May One Ask for Information from a Company if he has Ulterior Motives?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: Reuven is looking to start a new business. His friend Shimon suggests that he start a business for long term storage. Reuven thinks it is a…
May One Park in an Illegal Spot?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: Someone is driving to a meeting or an appointment but cannot find a parking spot nearby. If he will be late otherwise, would it be permitted…
Gezel Akum Part 1
Can One Take Advantage of Broad Online Return Policies?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: Many websites have a very broad return policy, sometimes even allowing one to keep an item they returned (and received a refund for). Question: What…
Using a One-time Coupon Code Multiple Times
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: There are many online shopping websites which offer special coupon codes for new customers with free shipping or discounts. If someone who is not a…
Using A Family Member’s Amazon Prime Account
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: “My sister has an Amazon Prime account. Although I do not find it worthwhile to purchase my own account, I do occasionally order from…
May One Take Advantage of a Price Glitch?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: When engaging in online commerce, one often discovers price glitches where a mistake was clearly made in the price given online. For example, one may…
Gezel Part 3: Gezel D'Rabbanan and Hashavas Gezel
Riding in a Car That May be Stolen
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: A certain individual gets a ride from work with his neighbor every day. One day, the neighbor says to him that he is in the…
Accidentally Buying Stolen Goods
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Someone bought a few pallets of merchandise, which he then placed in his warehouse for a few days. The police subsequently arrived and informed him…
Can One Be Forgiven for Stealing When He was Younger?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: A certain individual engaged in the “art of pickpocketing” when he was a teenager. As he grew older, he eventually outgrew it and wanted to…
May a Storeowner Purchase Possibly Stolen Products?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Someone entered a sefarim store and told the owner that he had a whole stack of machzorim to sell. He offered the owner an exceptionally…
Gezel Part 2: Borrowing Without Knowledge and Intellectual Property
Paying an Invoice Late
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Someone hired a painter to paint his house but was shocked when he received the total bill for several thousand dollars. Apparently, he had not realized…
Making Private Calls During Work Time
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Is it ever permitted to make private phone calls during one’s work time? Does it matter if the call is very important? In addition, is it…
Is Copying Music Permitted?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Reuven was listening to the most recent popular Jewish song that had just come out, when his friend Shimon met him and heard the song for…
Gezel Sheina: Can You Really Steal Someone’s Sleep?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Reuven, a ba’al tokea (one who blows the shofar), spent a lot of time practicing blowing the shofar in his home before Rosh Hashanah. However, Shimon,…
Parameters of Gezel
Borrowing Without Permission to Avoid Financial Loss
HaRav Chaim Weg Question: Someone was holding several bags of groceries while walking home from the store when some of the bags started to tear. The person was not in…
Borrowing a Siddur without Permission
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Someone was searching for a siddur to use in shul but could only find a privately owned siddur. He knew that the owner was currently away…
Borrowing an Item Where the Owner Does Not Mind
Rabbi Chaim Weg Case: Reuven met his friend Shimon on the street who told him that he had the latest recording of a shiur delivered by their Rosh Yeshiva on…
May I Purchase a Product when the Store Owner is Not There?
Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: In my small community, I can only purchase cholov yisrael milk in a small family-owned grocery store. When I recently came to the store, the door…
Intro to Choshen Mishpat
Indirect Damage According to Halacha
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Case: I was looking at my phone while driving [big mistake], and veered off into the next lane. A Jew driving next to me swerved to avoid…
Using Tactics to Strong-Arm a Person Into a Settlement to Avoid Bais Din
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Case: A former customer of mine is calling me to a Din Torah over several thousand dollars that I owe him. I know he doesn’t have conclusive…
Buying a Used Second Car and What to Expect
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Case: I put up my used car for sale, advertising it as “a great second car”. A guy from my shul saw the sign and bought the…
Do I Need to Repay a Loan that I Do Not Remember Taking?
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Case: A friend of mine is “pretty sure” that he lent me $20 dollars this past Purim. I have no recollection of it, but I was quite…
Commerce on Chol Hamoed
May a Retail Store Remain Open on Chol Hamoed?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In the previous session, we discussed some of the rules of commerce on Chol Hamoed as they relate to real estate management. Commerce that takes place…
Amazon Businesses on Chol Hamoed
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In the previous session, we discussed some rules of commerce for retail businesses on Chol Hamoed and when it is permitted to sell based on the…
Real Estate Management on Chol Hamoed
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In the previous session, we discussed some general principles concerning the laws of commerce on Chol Hamoed. How do these principles play out in the specific…
Is Commerce Permitted on Chol Hamoed?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: There are many halachos of Chol Hamoed that can have a far-reaching impact on the permissibility of commerce during that time. Can you offer a brief…
Minhag Part 2
Paying Vendors in a Timely Manner
Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: In our school we have a constant stream of suppliers for things like office supplies. A colleague of mine was surprised that we always pay our…
Leeway in Work Hours
Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: I run a company with mainly frum workers. I noticed many of them spend quite a while on coffee breaks. They already take off time for…
Backing out of an Online Purchase
Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: While shopping online, a certain item on a Jewish website caught my fancy and I impulsively decided to buy it. Minutes later I regretted the whole…
Unions and Strikes in Halacha
Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: I am a school bus driver in a large Jewish community. The other bus drivers are planning a walk-out as a push for higher wages and…
Minhag Part 1
Halachic Expectations of an Expensive Daycare
Rabbi Boruch Fried Case: My children’s daycare center is very quick to cancel school for seemingly minor things, such as nsow, Erev Yom Tov, In- service days, etc. I am…
Severance Pay with No Contract
Rabbi Boruch Fried Case: Our company is downsizing, and we needed to let a few employees go. One of them is demanding severance pay, despite there being no mention of…
Is Paid Maternity Leave Mandatory?
Rabbi Boruch Fried Case: As the sole secretary of a Yeshiva, I am their only female employee. When I mentioned to the principal my upcoming maternity leave, he breezily said…
Selling a Laptop without a Charger
Rabbi Baruch Fried Case: I bought a used laptop from a frum person. Upon delivery, I discovered it did not come with a charger. The seller claims he just said…
Dina D'Malchusa Dina Part 2
Lost Objects and Dina D’malchusa Dina
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Question: Someone went to the beach and lost an expensive watch of over $10,000. He was not sure if it was swept away by the water or…
Driving Over the Speed Limit – Is it Ever Permitted?
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Question: Whenever a certain person drives with his family, his wife insists that he drive exactly at the speed limit, since dina d’malchusa dina, and that is…
Construction in Violation of Zoning Laws
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Question: Reuven decided to build an extension next to Shimon’s property. When Shimon complains that Reuven’s construction violates the local zoning laws, Reuven responds that it is…
Using Counterfeit Money
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Question: Someone owns a gift shop in a busy tourist hot spot. One day, he discovers a one-hundred dollar bill in his cash register that is…
Dina D'Malchusa Dina Part 1
Filing for Bankruptcy According to Halacha
Case: I lent someone from my shul a large sum of money, using all the proper kinyanim and documentation according to Halacha. A short while later he declared bankruptcy and…
May I Bring an Employer to Secular Court?
Case: I recently returned from disability, to find that my employer has given away my job to another. When I threatened a lawsuit, he said “Go ahead, I have insurance.”…
Does a borrower need to be responsible for a damaged item in which he had no control?
Case: I borrowed a very expensive printer from someone for a one-time business need. While I was using it, there was a freak storm that caused a sudden power surge.…
Business Law Vs. Halacha with Regard to Inheritance
Case: My father passed away suddenly, leaving a sizable estate. He never executed any halachic or legal will. I know that according to Halacha my sister does not get a…
Yashrus and Halacha
Trying on Shoes or Clothes in a Store and Then Purchasing Them Online
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Question: Someone wants to buy shoes from an online website but they do not know the exact size that fits them. Is it permitted halachically to enter…
Downloading Songs and Using them for Profit: Is it Halachically Permitted?
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Question: It is quite common nowadays to use songs created by others for promotional videos and other purposes, and most people will do so without even thinking…
Paying For Work You Did Not Ask For
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Case: A contractor decides to install extra items in a house he is working on without consulting the owner. For example, an electrician is hired by a…
Using Knowledge Gained from a Former Employer
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Answer: The basic issue at hand in questions like this is whether any system or program that the employee is paid to create for the employer…
Commerce in Halacha
Is a “No-return Policy” Permitted According to Halacha?
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Question: Is it halachically permissible for a store to have a “no refund policy” or “credit only policy” concerning exchanges and returns? Answer: This question would…
Misrepresenting a Child’s Age to Gain Free Entry to a Park
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Question: Someone takes their family to an amusement park where children under three may enter for free. They have a child who just turned three but…
The Allowances of Working Remotely
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Question: Working remotely has become more popular over the past few years and especially during the last few months as a result of Covid-19. Many employers…
May One Renege on a Transaction Paid for by Credit Card?
Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Question: If one purchases something online using a credit card, what is the maximum amount of time that one may back out of the transaction? Even if…
Ribbis & Investments
Capital Calls & Ribbis
Capital Calls & Ribbis Preferred Equity: Why Don’t the Elements of Risk Take Away Potential Ribbis Issues? Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Case: Reuven and Shimon create a business partnership. One…
Ribbis and Convertible Notes
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Question: In the previous sessions, we have discussed investment issues in halacha and in particular with regard to the prohibition of ribbis (forbidden interest). Another common…
May One Convert a Loan Into Equity?
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Case: Reuven lent $1,000 to Shimon, but rather than asking for the money to be returned, Shimon suggested that Reuven use the money towards a…
Equity and Heter Iska: When is it Not Allowed?
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Case: A person was offered an opportunity to invest in a start-up company for $2o0,000, for which he would receive a 5% annual return using…
Introduction to Investments & Ribbis
Preferred Equity: Why Don’t the Elements of Risk Take Away Potential Ribbis Issues?
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Question: In these preferred equity cases, although there are some guarantees in the deal, there are also elements of risk in a deal, including the deal…
Taking Only from Profit
Rabbi Yosef Josilowsky In our last session, we addressed one scenario of preferred equity (where the investor takes precedence in receiving his money back over others) and issues of ribbis,…
Why Might Preferred Equity Be Considered Ribbis?
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky We mentioned in the first session on this subject that various types of investments exist in today’s business world that sometimes raise halachic questions related to…
Introduction to Investments and Ribbis
Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Question: There are many different types of investments in the business world today, and the halachos of ribbis (forbidden interest) vary depending upon which investment…
An Employee's Obligation to His Employer
How Much Downtime Is Allowed at the Office?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: What are the halachic parameters for downtime in an office or business setting? Is an employee allowed to take a break, get a cup of…
Accepting an Interview for a Job When Someone Else has Already Been Chosen
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: Someone looking for a job discovers that a company or business has a position available but the company tells him that there is someone else…
May One Use a Client List from an Old Employer
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: An employee leaves a business or company for whom he or she was working and is now in possession of some useful information gleaned during their…
May a Manager Leave During the Peak Season of the Business?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: A certain business employs an essential worker, such as a manager or secretary, without whom the business cannot function properly. This worker is needed especially…
E-commerce and Shabbos
May a Jew Keep His Business Open on Shabbos? Part 3
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: We are familiar with different types of famous cases of ha’arama (halachic loophole) and “heter mechira” cases, such…
May a Jew Keep a Business Open on Shabbos? Part 2
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner In Part 1, we began discussing the case and question below with responses by Rabbi Honigwachs and Rabbi Dombroff.…
Commerce and Shabbos Roundtable Part 2
May a Jew Keep a Business Open on Shabbos? Part 2 Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, and Rabbi Yosef Kushner In Part 1, we began discussing the case…
Can a Jew Keep a Business Open on Shabbos?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs, Rabbi Daniel Dombroff, Rabbi Yosef Kushner Case: We know that in general, a Jew is not allowed to keep his business open on Shabbos. But there…
Homeowners, Contractors & Subcontractors
Can a Borrower Claim Compensation for Damage Done to a Borrowed Item?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Case: Reuven borrowed a bike from Shimon, and Levi then accidentally drove over the bike. Reuven demands that Levi pay for the bike since he ruined…
Can a Homeowner Tell a Subcontractor to Collect Payment from the Contractor?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Case: Someone built a house using a contractor. The house was completed, but shortly thereafter, an electrician came to the door, claiming to be a subcontractor, asking…
Can a Homeowner Pay Subcontractors Directly?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Case: A contractor accepts a job from a homeowner on a cost-plus basis and hires subcontractors to take care of some of the work (plumbers, electricians,…
Can a Case be Dismissed from Bais Din Like in Secular Court?
Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: In secular court and in the Supreme Court, if the plaintiff does not have standing, the case is thrown out. Is the same thing true…
Can One Ever Back Out of a Deal?
Rabbi Yehoshua Wolfe Question: We know that a kinyan is required to effectuate a halachic transaction. If so, is one allowed to back out of an agreement before a kinyan…
Does Halacha Require a Kinyan to Finalize an Agreement Even When Secular Law Does Not?
Rabbi Yehoshua Wolfe Case: One area in which halacha clearly diverges from common law relates to the execution of transactions. According to common law, an agreement between parties is…
Ironing Out Tentative Agreements
Rabbi Yehoshua Wolfe Case: Two parties arrive at some form of an ambiguous oral agreement. One party later sends a note to the other by text, email, or Whatsapp to…
May One Retract on an Agreement Before the Contract is Signed?
Rav Yehoshua Wolfe Case: In negotiations between parties, the process often begins with a term sheet, where an initial agreement is drafted. At a later date, the lawyers will…
Are Kickbacks Permitted According to Halacha?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: A common question that arises with respect to employees relates to kickbacks. Kickbacks are cases where an employee directs business to a particular vendor, and certain…
Common Business Ethics Shailos and How to Identify Them
Rav Yosef Kushner Case: We discussed in the previous session how not divulging important information or rationalizing one’s business conduct often serves as a “red flag” that one may need…
What is the Difference between Business Ethics and Halacha?
Rav Yosef Kushner Case: In the previous session, we discussed the meaning of the concept of business ethics within secular law as well as business ethics within the realm of…
Business Ethics and Halacha
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: We hear a lot in the business world today about morals and business ethics. What exactly is business ethics and how does it manifest itself in…
Can a Lender Pursue a Borrower’s Assets?
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Case: In the previous section, we discussed the question of whether it is halachically permitted for a business to attempt to collect receivables. We will now…
Can a Business Pursue Receivables?
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Case: Many businesses are struggling due to Covid-19 and do not possess as large a cash flow as they did in the past. One of the avenues…
Is There a Mitzvah to Lend to the Rich?
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Question: In the previous segment, we discussed the mitzvah of lending money to those struggling financially. Does this mitzvah apply as well to lending money to…
The Extent of the Obligation to Lend Money to Those in Need
Rabbi Dovid Grossman Question: Many people have been struggling financially over the past few months due to Covid-19. How much of an obligation do other Jews who are financially better…
May One Retract on an Agreement to Sublet a Summer Home
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: Reuven agreed to rent his summer home to Shimon and received a deposit from Shimon for it. Shimon then decided he no longer wanted to use…
Does Halachah Allow for Late Fees?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: Due to the coronavirus and the resulting financial difficulties, some renters have had trouble paying their rent in a timely manner and have had late fees…
May One Claim Unemployment for Yomim-Tovim?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: During the recent period of Covid-19, many people have not been able to continue with their regular jobs and have applied for unemployment. But in order to be certified for receiving the unemployment…
May a Summer Camp Offer an Early Bird Discount?
Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: At the time of this writing, it seems that some types of summer camps in the United States will be allowed to open this year, but…
How Do Doctors and Patients Avoid Yichud During Covid-19?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Case: In addition to the yichud scenarios discussed in previous sessions that have been especially pertinent during Covid-19, additional yichud shailos have arisen involving doctors, dentists, and…
Yichud Part 3: Dating in an Empty Office Building: Is it Allowed?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: One of the major halachic issues that has arisen during the era of Covid-19 is yichud while dating. While couples going out on a date would…
Yichud Part 2: How to Avoid Yichud in Businesses amid Covid-19
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: In the first segment of this series, we raised the issue that yichud may apply in cases of businesses currently operating by appointment only and behind…
Yichud Part 1: Introduction and Dealing with Set Appointments
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Introduction: Let us begin this series of daily halachos on yichud by summarizing a number of the basic principles of hilchos yichud that are relevant for discussing…
Altering the Position of an Employee
Rav Chaim Weg June 11, 2020 Case: Due to Covid-19, a business owner does not have sufficient work to give to his employees. The owner decided that he would ask…
Paying for Unused Articles by Freelance Writers and Journalists
Rav Chaim Weg June 10, 2020 Case: A freelance writer was approached by several editors of a publication prior to the spread of Covid-19 to write some time-sensitive articles, such…
Whose Purell Is it?
Rav Chaim Weg June 9, 2020 Question: During the last few months, it has become more common to do shopping for others, such as for elderly neighbors or relatives.…
Business Competition During Covid-19
Rav Chaim Weg June 8, 2020 Question: Someone has been selling masks in his development for the last several weeks. He now discovers that his neighbor is beginning to sell masks as well, and he…
Wedding Hall Cancellations in Light of Covid-19
Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: Someone rented a banquet hall for a bar mitzvah but was then unable to have the event due to the governmental restrictions on public gatherings…
Canceling Vacation Rentals Amid COVID-19
Cancelling Vacation Rentals Rabbi Baruch Meir Levine Question: Someone rented a house in Orlando for Pesach but due to Covid-19, was not able to travel and make use of…
Paying for a Wedding Cancelled Due to Covid-19
Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: A chasan was unfortunately forced to cancel or delay his chasuna due to Covid-19. However, he had already made an agreement with a photographer, a…
Paying for Canceled Playgroups Due to Covid-19 | Part 2
Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: The Bais HaVaad recently released guidelines about unemployment for morahs who run playgroups for children that were cancelled over the past few months due to…
Separating Ma’aser Kesafim on a PPP Loan Amid Covid-19
Rav Chaim Weg Question: If a business receives a PPP loan in order to help make their payroll, must the business owner separate ma’aser kesafim from that money? Would it matter if…
Giving Ma’aser Kesafim During Times of Financial Difficulty
Rav Chaim Weg Question 1: As a result of the coronavirus, many people have unfortunately been struggling financially to make ends meet. Is the widespread practice of giving ma’aser kesafim, one-tenth of…
Landlord and Tenants Rights Amid COVID-19
Rav Chaim Weg Question: What is the halacha if a landlord rents out hisbasement to another family or a playgroup, and a member of that family or playgroup contracts the…
Proper Precedence in Payments
Rabbi Chaim Weg - Rosh Kollel of Bais HaVaad Kollel for Dayanus - formerly Rosh Kollel of Scranton Kollel When money is scarce, who gets paid first? Question: What are…
Maaser for Covid Tuition
Q1. May one use maaser for tuition in general? Q2. Even if in a normal circumstance one cannot, is it possible that the tuition being paid during the COVID-19 school…
Playgroups vs. Schools
Q. The peshara for playgroups as mentioned previously was 25-33% of the regular tuition. Why does it seem that the expectation regarding schools is to pay closer to full tuition? As a…
Tuition for Playgroups and Babysitters
As playgroups and babysitters are closed. Do parents have to pay tuition? If yes, how much? The starting point for these kinds of questions is the Chasam Sofer, which as…
Firing and Furlough Amid COVID-19
Due to COVID-19, many businesses and schools have been closed. What obligation does a business or school owner have towards his employees? If one is obligated, are there any exceptions?…