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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayishlach

Double Jeopardy Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Moshe Yitzchok Weg  December 8, 2022   And Hashem said to Yaakov, "Arise—go up to Bais El and dwell there, and make an altar there to Hashem Who appeared to…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayeitzei

Kisslessness Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by HaRav Yechiel Biberfeld      December 1, 2022   And Lavan arose early in the morning and kissed his sons and daughters and blessed them… Bereishis 32:1 The Rama (O.C. 98:1) writes that one is…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Toldos

Point and Shoot Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yosef Greenwald November 24, 2022   Now sharpen, if you please, your gear—your sword and your bow—and go out to the field, and catch game for me. Bereishis 27:3…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayeira  

Guest Relations Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rabbi Baruch Benfil  November 10, 2022   And he said, “Hashem, if it please you that I find favor in Your eyes, please pass not from before Your servant.” Bereishis 18:3…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Lech Lecha  

Name Calling Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Moshe Zev Granek November 3, 2022   And the people of Sdom were wicked and sinful toward Hashem, exceedingly. Bereishis 13:13 Rashi comments that Chazal associated with this pasuk the…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas No’ach

Flood Assurance Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by HaRav Chaim Weg October 27, 2022 And Hashem said in His heart: I will not continue to curse again the ground because of man…nor will I again continue to smite every…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Bereishis

Plastic Wrap Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Moshe Zev Granek October 20, 2022 And Hashem created the great sea monsters, and every living creature that crawls with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Ha’azinu

A Drinking Problem Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yosef Greenwald October 7, 2022 Who ate the fat of their sacrifices and drank the wine of their libations? Let them arise and help you! Let them be your…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Vayeilech

Dead Tzenter Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Rav Yehoshua Sova September 29, 2022    For I know that after my death you will surely become corrupted and deviate from the way that I commanded you, and the evil…

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