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Is It Permitted to Sell Windows to a Church?

Rav Yosef Kushner   Question: We said that one is not allowed to install windows in a church. What if someone sells windows? Is he allowed to sell them to a church without doing the installation himself?   Answer: In…

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Is a Contractor Permitted to Build a Church?

Rav Yosef Kushner Question: A Jewish man works as a contractor, and a church wants to hire him to build them a new building. Is he allowed to do this? Answer: The Poskim rule, based on the Gemara in Avodah…

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Is it Permitted to Buy a Church?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: According to most opinions, it is forbidden to rent a property from a church, if this will fund their activities. Is it also forbidden to buy a church itself?  Answer: If the church was owned by…

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May a Jew Rent a Property From a Church?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: If a church owns a property that is not located on the church grounds, which they rent out for income, is it permitted for a Jew to rent this property?    Answer:  There is a prohibition…

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May One Provide Professional Services for a Church?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: Is one allowed to provide professional services – such as legal or accounting services – to a church?  Answer:  We previously stated that one cannot rent a property to a house of avodah zara, if this…

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