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May I Rent a Property to a Church?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Question: I have a building and I’m looking for a tenant. A church contacted me and wants to rent it. Am I allowed to rent to them?  Answer:  While it is forbidden to derive any benefit from…

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Is It Permitted to Enter a Conservative Temple

Rav Yosef Kushner   Question: We said that it is forbidden to enter a house of avodah zara. What about a house of “meenus”, heresy, such as a Conservative temple?  Answer:  The word “meenus” is used to refer to a…

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Is it always forbidden to walk into a church?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner   Question: We all know that a Jew shouldn’t enter a house of avodah zara. But what if he is going in for reason unrelated to religion, such as to meet someone there? Is that also prohibited? …

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How Is Avodah Zara Defined?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner   Question :  How would we define what constitutes avodah zara today? Answer: To give a broad definition: Avodah zara means any religious worship to any deity other than Hashem. In today’s times, this generally refers to Christianity. …

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How Should Men and Women Interact in the Office?

Question: What are some general guidelines for appropriate interactions between men and women in the workplace? Answer: In general, conversations should be reserved for work-related matters. That doesn’t mean you literally have to measure every single word you say, but,…

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