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Is a Forced Peshara Binding?

Rav Dovid Josilowsky Question: Reuven had a dispute with Shimon. Shimon contacted him and threatened him that if he didn't agree to go with him to a certain Rov for a Peshara, he would take him to a secular court.…

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Does Bais Din Encourage Peshara

Rav Dovid Josilowsky    Question: When I came to Bais Din, I signed a shtar that says that I agree for the dayanim to rule “according to din or according to Peshara”. What exactly does this mean? Will they force…

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Can One Appeal a Bais Din’s Ruling?

Rav Dovid josilowsky Question:  If someone loses a din Torah and is unhappy with the decision, is there any way to appeal it?    Answer:  Different locales have different systems in place regarding appeals.  In Eretz Yisroel, the Rabbanut has…

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What is The Role of a To’ein

Rav Yehoshua wolfe   Question: I was summoned to a din Torah and my friends tell me that I need to find a good to’ein. Is this correct?   Answer: According to U.S. law, everyone has a right to legal…

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