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What Is the Definition of “Kevias Itim L’Torah”?

Rav Chaim Weg

Question: On a practical level, what is the definition of kevias itim l’Torah

AnswerKevias itim l’Torah means that every person should have set times in which he learns Torah. One should have such set times during each day and night. The Shulchan Aruch adds that not only should one have set times to learn, one should also have a set place where he learns. 

A person should view his learning times as a personal obligation. If an important matter comes up that makes it impossible for him to learn that day during the specific time he set aside for Torah, he has an obligation to make it up later in the day or at night. 

The ideal time for kevias itim l’Torah is in the morning right after davening and at night right after completing one’s work for the day. In years past, it was common for men to spend time learning between Minchah and Maariv.

The Mishnah Berurah writes two reasons why it is preferable to set time to learn right after davening. Firstly, there is a concept of going “m’chayil el chayil” (from strength to strength), by going straight from davening to learning, and one receives a tremendous reward for doing so. Secondly, once he becomes busy with his daily pursuits he can easily get caught up in them and not wind up learning. 

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