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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Flee, Fly! September 7, 2023 Q My outdoor garbage bin is inundated with flies and bees. When I deposit a garbage bag and close the lid, I’m trapping insects inside. May I do so on Shabbos? A Tzad (trapping a…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Seeing Eye August 31, 2023 Q My neighbor’s property was vandalized. My surveillance camera captured the scene, so he is asking me to turn over the footage to identify the culprit. Am I permitted to show him the video? Must…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

The Wandering Jew August 24, 2023 Q We’ll be in a bungalow colony for Shabbos, and I don’t know where the tchum ends. How far can I go when taking a walk on Shabbos afternoon? A The Gemara (Eiruvin 42a),…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Wear and Tear July 27, 2023 Q Should I do kriah when davening at the Kosel? A One who sees Yerushalayim[1] or the mekom haMikdash in their destruction must perform kriah (Shulchan Aruch O.C. 561:2), making a one-tefach tear in…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Bath Time July 20, 2023 Q Because Tisha B’Av falls on a Thursday this year, are bathing and laundry permitted earlier than usual? A Because most of the destruction of the Bais Hamikdash occurred on the 10th of Av, the…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

A Fruitless Blessing July 13, 2023 Q When reciting a bracha acharonah on cookies and grapes, I forgot to insert al ha’eitz for the grapes. Must I make another bracha? A When reciting the bracha mei’ein shalosh, all applicable phrases…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Wait Loss July 6, 2023 Q I ate potatoes from a cholent and was careful to avoid the meat. Must I wait six hours to eat dairy? A There are two reasons for waiting between meat and dairy: The meat…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Coat Check June 29, 2023 Q My raincoat is missing from the shul coatrack, and the only one remaining is just like mine but bears someone else’s name. Since he apparently took mine, may I take his? A The Shulchan…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Gratuitous Instruction June 22, 2023 Q Walmart’s same-day delivery service automatically adds a $4 tip for the driver to my bill unless I opt out. Must I remove it due to lo sechaneim? A The Gemara (Avodah Zarah 20a) says…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Insufficient Funds June 15, 2023 Q Two people approached me, each seeking a $10,000 loan, but I can only lend $10,000. Should I split it between them or somehow prioritize one over the other? A Lending money to a Jew…

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