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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

A Fruitless Blessing

July 13, 2023

Q When reciting a bracha acharonah on cookies and grapes, I forgot to insert al ha’eitz for the grapes. Must I make another bracha?

A When reciting the bracha mei’ein shalosh, all applicable phrases must be inserted: “al hamichyah” for certain grain foods, “al hagefen” for wine or grape juice, and “al ha’eitz” for shivas haminim fruits (O.C.

208:12). They are inserted in three places: in the psichah (opening), the chasimah (closing), and samuch lachasimah (just before the closing). If one of the phrases was omitted, a new bracha must be recited, including only the forgotten phrase(s). You must therefore now make an al ha’eitz.

What if “al ha’eitz” was inserted in only one or two of the three places? The Piskei Teshuvos (ibid.) rules that if it was said even once, the bracha is valid bedieved (see footnote 155 for his source).

But this ruling only applies to errors of omission. In the case of an incorrect insertion, like saying “al hamichyah” after eating only grapes, the Shulchan Aruch says the bracha is only valid if both the psichah and the chasimah were said correctly; otherwise, the bracha needs to be repeated. The Gra (cited by Biur Halacha ibid.) argues, saying a correct chasimah suffices. One should follow the Gra’s view, because safek brachos lehakeil (Sheivet Halevi 3:18).

If your omission was in the psichah, if you realize it prior to “Baruch atah” of the chasimah, go back to where the insertion was omitted in the psichah (but not all the way to “Baruch atah” of the psichah) and continue from there (Piskei Teshuvos ibid.).

If you finished the bracha but recognized the mistake toch kedei dibur (within 2-3 seconds), correct the chasimah.

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