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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Learning With The Lender Reuven borrowed money from Shimon, and Shimon used the opportunity to inquire if Reuven would want to setup a chavrusa session with him. Is this an issue of ribbis? The Shulchan Aruch writes that a borrower…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

USING A BORROWER'S CD OR MP3 PLAYER Reuven owes Shimon money. May Shimon use Reuven’s CD or MP3 player without permission if he is knows Reuven lets others use it without permission? May Shimon take some of Reuven’s Taster’s Choice…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Favors for the lender Regarding favors in ribbis, the following levels of friendship and favors are discussed in halachah: Acquaintances: Favors one would not have done otherwise: A private favor the borrower would not have done previously for the lender,…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

USUAL AND UNUSUAL FAVORS May a person do favors for someone he owes money to? For example, Reuven, who owes Shimon money, was in a sefarim store and saw a sefer Shimon always wanted. May he do him a favor…

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Cosigning and similar concepts It is definitely permitted for a Jew to co-sign as a standard arev on a loan initiated by a public company. Being that the terms are that the lender will turn to the borrower for payment…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

AREV: GUARANTEEING A LOAN (COSIGNERS) In certain instances where a home buyer does not meet underwriting criteria, the bank may require a cosigner to guarantee the loan. The current practice of banks is to stipulate that they can collect from…

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HETER ISKA II There are two basic types of heter iska that are written today; one is a chatzi milveh chatzi pikadon (half loan half investment) and the other is a kulo pikadon )all investment). As a rule, money for…

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Ribbis and the Heter Iska

HETER ISKA I The mitzvah to lend is achieved when one lends without charging interest. If one’s business lends with interest he must ensure to structure a valid heter iska. Assuming the heter iska was executed in a proper fashion,…

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