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Halachos of Daily Living

Laws related to Berachos The Chayei Adam (61:4) writes that the bracha on cloves is “borei minei b’samim”. He explains that although cloves are the fruit of a tree and rightfully the bracha should be “Hanosain raiyach tov b’peiros”, nonetheless since cloves are completely…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Laws related to Berachos In a recent Halacha Yomis you mentioned that according to many opinions the bracha on cloves is borei minei b’samim. Can you please explain why? On which other spices does one recite borei minei b’samim? The bracha ‘”borei minei b’samim” is recited…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Are women obligated to recite one hundred brachos daily? Many poskim write that women are exempt from this mitzvah. As evidence, the Shevet HaLevi (5:23) points out that the Rishonim who list the hundred brachos recited each day include the brachos that are recited on Tallis and Tefillin. Since women do not…

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Halachos of Daily Living

These are some brachos which fall in the middle between these two categories mentioned last week– that is – they aren’t clearly obligatory or not obligatory, and it is questionable if they are part of the 100 brachos or not: Amen in response to the…

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Halachos of Daily Living

To be counted towards the one hundred brachos, must one personally recite the bracha, or is it sufficient to respond amen to another person’s bracha? It depends on the bracha. If the bracha is obligatory (such as Kiddush or Hamotzi) and a person fulfills the requirement to recite the bracha by hearing it…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Laws related to Berachos What bracha should one recite on dried cranberries? Most dried cranberries are sugar infused. This means the cranberries are soaked in sugar water and then dried to look like raisins. Rav Belsky, zt”l ruled that the bracha on dried cranberries is Ha’odama.…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Halachos related to Berachos Tetzave What bracha is recited on papaya? We recite borei pri ha’eitz on fruit and borei pri ho’adama on vegetables. Halachically, is papaya treated as a fruit or a vegetable? A related issue is whether or not the first three years of a…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Weekly Question: Laws related to Berachos The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis This Column is dedicated in memory of: Rav Chaim Yisroel ben Reb Dov HaLevi Belsky, zt’l Senior OU Kosher Halachic Consultant from 1987-2016 According to…

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OU Daily Living

Weekly Questions What bracha is recited on peanut butter (a spoonful of peanut butter eaten plain)? There are two opinions regarding the bracha on peanut butter. Here, we will discuss the opinion that holds that the bracha on peanut butter is Shehakol. Shulchan Aruch (OC 208:8) writes…

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