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Kesubos, Perek 1

Daf 2 - Hakdama to Maseches Kesubos Harav Baruch Rubanowitz of Yerushalyim Daf 3 - Is Hafkaas Kidushin an Option? Rav Yitzchak Grossman, Dayan at Bais HaVaad Daf 4 - He Sleeps Among theMen, and She Sleeps Among the Women…

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Yevamos, Perek 16

Daf 119 - DNA, Forensics, and Relating To Statistics Rav Yitchak Grossman, Dayan at Bais HaVaad Daf 120 - A Practiced Eye and Markers Rav Yitzchak Grossman, Dayan at Bais HaVaad Daf 121 - Endless Waters and Nowhere to be…

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Yevamos, Perek 15

back:  Daf -115 Does Halacha Recognize Miracles Rav Yitzchok Grossman; Dayan, Bais Havaad Daf -116 Flying Camels and Teleportation Rav Yitzchok Grossman; Dayan, Bais Havaad Daf -117 The Wisdom of Women Rav Yitzchok Grossman; Dayan, Bais Havaad Daf -118 Hatred…

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Yevamos, Perek 14

Daf 112 - Cochlear Implants in Halacha Rav Yehoshua Grunwald; Dayan, Bais Havaad Lakewood Daf 113 -It's Scriptual But Not Certain. What Now? Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen; Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok of Lakewood   Daf 114 -The Status…

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Yevamos, Perek 13

Daf 107 - Birkas Eirusin - Chosson's Obligation? Rav Yehoshua Grunwald; Dayan, Bais Havaad Lakewood Daf 108 - May One Marry a Twice Divorced Lady? Rav Yehoshua Grunwald; Dayan, Bais Havaad Lakewood Daf 109 - Is Accepting a Convert a…

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Yevamos, Perek 10

back:  Daf 87 - Leniencies of Testimony Pertaining to the Agunah Rav Yosef Greenwald, Dayan Bais Havaad Yerushalayim Daf 88 - Testimony Regarding Prohibition Rav Yosef Greenwald, Dayan Bais Havaad Yerushalayim Daf 89 - Chazal's Mandate to Supersede the Torah…

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Yevamos, Perek 9

back:  Daf 84 - Defining a Proactive Action Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen; Roshe Kolel or Kolel Ohel Yitzchok of Lakewood Daf 85 - Tumah of The Priests Pregnant Wife Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen; Roshe Kolel or Kolel Ohel Yitzchok of…

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Yevamos, Perek 8

Daf 70 – Teruma for the Uncircumsized Due to the Death of His Siblings Rav Moshe Zev Granek; Member Kollel Zichron Gershon Daf 71 – Hatafas Dahm Milah as Part of the Milah Rav Moshe Zev Granek; Member Kollel Zichron…

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Yevamos, Perek 7

Daf 66 – Beneficial Destruction and Terumah Rav Moshe Zev Granek; Member Kollel Zichron Gershon Daf 67 – Tumah and the Unborn Kohen Rav Moshe Zev Granek; Member Kollel Zichron Gershon Daf 68 – Sated Through Marriage and the Kohen's…

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Yevamos, Perek 6

Daf 53– The Blessing on Yibum Rav Yosef Jacobowitz, Mechaber Sefer Gevul Rishonim Daf 54– Inheritance With No Heirs About It: Yerushas HaGer Rav Yosef Jacobowitz, Mechaber Sefer Gevul Rishonim   Daf 55– The Prohibition of a Sotah to her…

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