Daf 73 - The Essence of Kinyanim R' Yosef Greenwald, dayan, Bais HaVaad Daf 74 - Misleading Kinyanim…
Yevamos, Perek 9
Daf 84 – Defining a Proactive Action
Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen; Roshe Kolel or Kolel Ohel Yitzchok of Lakewood
Daf 85 – Tumah of The Priests Pregnant Wife
Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen; Roshe Kolel or Kolel Ohel Yitzchok of Lakewood
Daf 86 – Four Cubits of a Cohen
Rav Avraham Yeshaya Cohen; Roshe Kolel or Kolel Ohel Yitzchok of Lakewood