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Can One Take Advantage of Broad Online Return Policies?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff   Case: Many websites have a very broad return policy, sometimes even allowing one to keep an item they returned (and received a refund for).  Question: What are the halachic parameters considering purchasing where one “knows” that…

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Using a One-time Coupon Code Multiple Times

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff   Question: There are many online shopping websites which offer special coupon codes for new customers with free shipping or discounts. If someone who is not a new customer somehow obtains a new customer coupon code, is…

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Using A Family Member’s Amazon Prime Account

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff     Question: “My sister has an Amazon Prime account. Although I do not find it worthwhile to purchase my own account, I do occasionally order from Amazon. Is it permitted to use my sister’s Prime account…

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May One Take Advantage of a Price Glitch?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff   Question: When engaging in online commerce, one often discovers price glitches where a mistake was clearly made in the price given online. For example, one may find a product or deal that is supposed to be…

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