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Karpas and Tumah

An Overview of a Shiur by Rav Daniel Dumbroff on Parshas Shemini (וכי יותן מים על זרע ונפל מנבלתם עליו טמא הוא לכם (ויקרא יא:לח Netilas Yadayim for fruit dipped in liquid – Chazal required this due to a complex…

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Who Is At Fault For a Default?

Reneging on an Agreement Part I By: Rabbi Yosef Greenwald There are two categories of agreements which can affect when an agreement is broken. In Bava Metzia, 49A, the Gemara discusses two different types of contractual agreements and the ramifications…

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Halachos of Daily Living

Are women obligated to recite one hundred brachos daily? Many poskim write that women are exempt from this mitzvah. As evidence, the Shevet HaLevi (5:23) points out that the Rishonim who list the hundred brachos recited each day include the brachos that are recited on Tallis and Tefillin. Since women do not…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

A Ride to a Wedding A few friends are seeking a ride to a wedding. If the driver happens to owe money to any of them, may he offer the lender a ride? May he give the lender preference over…

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Halachos of Matanos L’evyonim

By Rav Yehoshua Grunwald - The Mishna Berura (594:2), based on the Ritva, says that a peruta must be given to each of the evyonim. This would be no more than 25 cents in value.  - Many authorities, based on the Maharsha…

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