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Halachos of Daily Living

Laws related to Berachos We learned previously that if one eats an entire meal of an item that is considered pas haba’ah b’kisnin, the brachos recited would be Hamotzi and Birkas Hamazon. Is the amount of pas haba’ah b’kisnin that would mandate Hamotzi the same for everyone? No. To require…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Metzora SENDING A PACKAGE OVERSEAS It is customary to give “shaliach mitzvah money” as a shmirah (protection) to someone who is traveling, in order that they give it to tzedakah upon arrival at their destination. May the giver request favors…

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Must a Metzora become Tahor Immediately?

An Overview of a Shiur by Rav Moshe Zev Granek on Parshas Metzora (זאת תהיה תורת המצורע והובא אל הכהן (ויקרא יד:א Why does the pasuk say he is brought to the kohen if he may not enter the machaneh?…

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Flight Risk: Max Pressure at Boeing

Adapted from a shiur by Rav Daniel Dombroff Is Boeing liable for the doomed 737 Max? The world’s largest aircraft manufacturer was in crisis. The 737, Boeing’s workhorse aircraft, had been selling briskly since 1967. The company was working on…

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