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Meseches Eiruvin- Perek 6- הדר

Daf 61- The Brooklyn Bridge

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 62- The Mechanics of an Eruv

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 63- A Non-Jew as Part of The Chatzer

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 64- A Gentile Who Is Not Willing

Rav Yisroel Baruch Twersky


Daf 65- How to Make an Eruv in a Hotel

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 66- When a Non-Jew Arrives on Shabbos

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 67- Carrying In and Out of a Karmiles

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 68- The Double Shevus

Rav Yisroel Baruch Twersky


Daf 69- The Status of A Tzeduki

Rav Yisroel Baruch Twersky


Daf 70- Inheriting a Domain On Shabbos

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 71- Shitufei Muvaos

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 72- Hotels Part I

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 73- Hotels Part II

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 74- The Obligation of Renting a Non-Jews Domain

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon


Daf 75- Regel Hamuteres

Rav Mordechai Fuchs, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon






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