Bava Metzia, Perek 9
Daf 104 – Manager Mandates
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 105 – Partnership Duration
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 106 – Eventually Accidental
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 107 – Ayin Hara
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 108 – Bar Metzra
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 109 – Firing a Worker
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 110 – Timely Payment
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 111 – Timely Payment
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 112 – Damage Deduction
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 113 – Does Crime Pay?
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 114 – Debt Collection
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 115 – Securing Securities
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II
Daf 116 – 9/10 of the Law?
R’ Avrohom Bookman, author, The Lost Scotch I and II