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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

A Conflict of Interest June 1, 2023 Q I am a residential landlord. When a tenant signs a lease, he provides me with a security deposit, which I am legally required to deposit into an interest-bearing escrow account. I confess…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Short-Order Cooking May 18, 2023 Q Does eiruv tavshilin permit cooking on Yom Tov late in the afternoon? A Eiruv tavshilin is performed on Erev Yom Tov when Yom Tov falls on Erev Shabbos. In general, cooking on Yom Tov…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

In Suspense May 18, 2023 Q There is a hammock in my backyard, hanging between two trees. May we lie in it on Shabbos? A Chazal forbade climbing on trees on Shabbos, lest one pull off a branch or a…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Reading and Righting May 11, 2023 Q Should I correct a ba’al korei’s mistake? A The Rambam (Hilchos Tfilah 12:6) writes that a ba’al korei should be corrected. Other Rishonim say to refrain, to avoid embarrassing him (Tur O.C. 142…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Lunch Meating May 4, 2023 Q I committed to buy lunch for my non-Jewish laborers, and they are requesting that I order cheeseburgers from McDonald’s. May I do so? A Combinations of meat and milk may not be eaten or…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Keeping Watch April 27, 2023 Q May I keep my watch on my wrist while wearing tefillin? A The Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 27:4) writes, “There must not be any chatzitzah (obstruction) between the tefillin and one’s skin, whether the shel…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Finders Keepers April 20, 2023 Q May I discard a lost object that I found years ago but was never claimed? A Those who lose inexpensive items often don’t invest effort to retrieve them, so they remain in the finder’s possession…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Tree Line April 13, 2023 Q When may one recite birkas ha’ilanos on a flowering fruit tree? A The Gemara (Brachos 34b) says, “One who goes out in the days of Nisan and sees flowering trees recites [birkas ha’ilanos].” Some…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Triskaidekamechirah March 30, 2023 Q  I understand that many rabanim perform a sale of chametz the day before Erev Pesach, in addition to the regular Erev Pesach sale. Under what circumstances should one participate in this “mechiras yud gimmel” rather…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Vehicle Inspection March 23, 2023 Q Do I need to do bedikas chametz in my car? A You must search your car for chametz, unless you are certain you didn’t bring any into it. Alternatively, you can sell the car…

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