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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

BORROWING FOOD Neighbors frequently borrow small amounts of food from each other, such as a dozen eggs or a cup of flour. Similarly, classmates borrow cans of soda or danishes from each other. A class decides to make a late…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

TRADING SPORTS EQUIPMENT Reuven lends Shimon a basketball with the understanding that Shimon will lend him a bike later in the day. Since a bike is significantly more valuable than a basketball, can we consider Reuven to be “collecting” ribbis…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

CUTTING THE GRASS Zvi and Moshe are friendly neighbors. Instead of hiring a lawn company to cut their lawns, they each take bi–weekly turns mowing both lawns. Is there an issue with this arrangement if the lawns are similar in…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Re'eih Collateral /using a collateral phone If a lender was given collateral (a mashkon) by the borrower, such as a cellphone with unlimited minutes, may the lender make use of the collateral for himself, or would that be considered as…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

GIFTS OF GRATITUDE May one give a gift to someone who lent him their home or car for the weekend ? May a borrower give a Bar mitzvah present to the son of the lender? Case #1: Since ribbis does…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

FILLING UP THE GAS TANK Sometimes a person lending their car to a friend may request that the car be returned with the same amount of gas as when it was lent. Is this an issue of ribbis (seah beseah)?…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

TIPPING FOR DELAYS Fischel has been tutoring Dan, a local Jewish boy. Dan’s father arranged to pay Fischel at the end of the year. However, at the end of the year Dan’s father experienced a cash flow shortage and asked…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Adding Extra To Be Sure Many times a person is unsure if he has repaid a loan in full (time has passed and he doesn’t remember, etc.). May he add extra money to be sure he is fully paid up,…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Overpayment - Keep the change Sender asks Chaim to pick up a bottle of detergent at the local supermarket. The bottle costs $9.50 and Chaim lays out the money. Sender repays Chaim with a $10 bill and tells him to…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Giving A Bachur Special Attention Berel, the dorm counselor, had helped Nissim, an introverted bachur, make friends in yeshivah and get on his feet financially. In coming years Nissim made out successfully in business, and Berel found himself in dire…

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