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Meseches Berachos Perek 9

This Masechta has been graciously dedicated in honor of: Rabbi and Mrs. Meyer & Shulamith May & Family of Los Angeles Perek 9 Daf 54- Moshe vs. OgRav Yosef Greenwald, Bais HaVaad Yerushalayim Daf 55- The World of Dreams -…

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshas Toldos

Meseches Nidah Daf 36-42 Daf 36- Seven Complete Days Daf 37- Post Partum Dam Daf 38- By the Shofar's Blow Daf 39- Vest Haflaga Daf 40- A Caesarian Delivery Daf 41- Hysterecomies in Halacha Daf 42- Waiting for the Hefsek

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshas Chayei Sara

Meseches Nidah Daf 29-35 Cognitive Dissonance: Following Conflicting Rulings Defining "Normal" in Halacha The Nature of Childbirth The 1,2,3 Dynamic of Zeeva Undoing A Zeeva Kabbalas Tumah: A Kaleidoscope Seven Complete Days

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshas Vayeira

Meseches Nidah Daf 22-28 Daf 22- Rav Shlomo Zalmen's Patent Daf 23- An Unusual Sighting Daf 24- Classifications of Tumah Daf 25- Tumah Disparities Daf 26- Husbandly Offerings Daf 27- Husbandly Offerings Daf- 28- The Essence of Sfaykos

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

Ribbis Haircuts Two bachurim rotate cutting each other’s hair. However, one gets a simple haircut (“over the top”), and the other requires a styled haircut (scissor/tapered cut). Would repaying the simple haircut with a fancy haircut be considered a ribbis…

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics For Rosh Hashana

Meseches Me'ilah Daf 9-15 Clearing the Ashes- Daf 9 Between the Holy & the Holy - Daf 10 Mission Accomplished: When is an Avodah Complete? - Daf 11 Sanctifying the Unsacrificible- Daf 12 Selling the Brooklyn Bridge - Daf 13…

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Daf Yomi in halacha Topics Parshas Shoftim

Meseches Krisus Daf 16- 22 Daf 16- Set Your Clock: Following Rov for Zmanim Daf 17- Unfit for Lechem Mishne Daf 18- Unfit for Lechem Mishne Daf 19- A Mindless Transgression? Daf 20- Checkin Eggs Daf 21- Eating the Orlah…

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Ribbis: Matters of Interest

TRADING MEALS A group of friends agreed to take turns sponsoring their weekly dinner at a local eatery. Each week a different one of the group would pick up the tab. Since it is inevitable that the cost will vary…

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshas Re’ay

Meseches Krisus Daf 9- 15 Converting Your Dishes- Daf 9 Tzeddakah: How Little is Too Little? - Daf 10 An Unusual Sacrifice: Asham Shifcha Charufa - Daf 11 Enjoyed Your Coffee? - Daf 12 Paskening Under the Influence - Daf…

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Daf Yomi in Halacha Topics Parshas Eikev

Meseches Krisus Daf 2- 8 Introduction Daf 2- Meseches Krisus: An Introdution Daf 3- Lo Saasun Iti: Fashioning Forbidden Forms Daf 4- Worth the Wait Daf 5- The Prohibition of Chodosh Daf 6- A Good Omen: The Simanim of Rosh…

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