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Ma’aser on Real Estate

Rav Baruch Fried Question: An investor bought a piece of real estate for $250,000 and subsequently sold it for $350,000, netting him a profit of $100,000. In order to avoid real estate taxes, he places the profits in a 1031-exchange,…

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Ma’aser on Stocks

Rav Baruch Fried Question: Does an individual who has a stock portfolio need to give ma’aser on the appreciation of a stock, even if he doesn’t plan to sell the stock right now? What if the dividends are taken out…

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Is Ma’aser Given From Gross or Net Income?

Rav Baruch Fried Question: Ma’aser is defined as 10% of income. Is it given from one’s gross income or his net income? Answer: There is a fundamental machlokes discussed by the earlier Poskim starting with the Sha’ar Efraim that is…

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Best Practices of Giving Ma’aser

Rav Baruch Fried Question: Can you please give an overall outline regarding the best practices when giving ma’aser. Answer: In Sefer Ahavas Chesed, the Chofetz Chaim provides a step-by-step outline for giving ma’aser. First of all, he says that before…

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