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Does Halachah Allow for Late Fees?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: Due to the coronavirus and the resulting financial difficulties, some renters have had trouble paying their rent in a timely manner and have had late fees imposed upon them. Is it permitted according to the halachah…

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May One Claim Unemployment for Yomim-Tovim?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: During the recent period of Covid-19, many people have not been able to continue with their regular jobs and have applied for unemployment. But in order to be certified for receiving the unemployment money, one must attest that one is capable of working during that time. The problem…

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How Do Doctors and Patients Avoid Yichud During Covid-19?

Rabbi Yosef Kushner Case: In addition to the yichud scenarios discussed in previous sessions that have been especially pertinent during Covid-19, additional yichud shailos have arisen involving doctors, dentists, and the like. Normally, a female patient having an appointment with…

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Yichud Part 2: How to Avoid Yichud in Businesses amid Covid-19

Rabbi Yosef Kushner                       Question: In the first segment of this series, we raised the issue that yichud may apply in cases of businesses currently operating by appointment only and behind locked doors. What possible solutions can we offer to solve…

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Yichud Part 1: Introduction and Dealing with Set Appointments

Rabbi Yosef Kushner                       Introduction: Let us begin this series of daily halachos on yichud by summarizing a number of the basic principles of hilchos yichud that are relevant for discussing yichud in the workplace.   The issur yichud is defined…

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Altering the Position of an Employee

Rav Chaim Weg  June 11, 2020 Case: Due to Covid-19, a business owner does not have sufficient work to give to his employees. The owner decided that he would ask them to reorganize his office and storeroom. But the employees…

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