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May One Convert a Loan Into Equity?

Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky   Case: Reuven lent $1,000 to Shimon, but rather than asking for the money to be returned, Shimon suggested that Reuven use the money towards a 50-50 business partnership between the two of them.  Question: Would…

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Taking Only from Profit 

Rabbi Yosef Josilowsky In our last session, we addressed one scenario of preferred equity (where the investor takes precedence in receiving his money back over others) and issues of ribbis, the prohibition to take interest from another Jew. Today we…

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Why Might Preferred Equity Be Considered Ribbis?

Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky We mentioned in the first session on this subject that various types of investments exist in today’s business world that sometimes raise halachic questions related to the prohibition of ribbis. One of these, preferred equity, refers…

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Introduction to Investments and Ribbis

Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky   Question: There are many different types of investments in the business world today, and the halachos of ribbis (forbidden interest) vary depending upon which investment one engages. Can you give us a basic introduction to…

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How Much Downtime Is Allowed at the Office?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff   Question: What are the halachic parameters for downtime in an office or business setting? Is an employee allowed to take a break, get a cup of coffee, or take personal phone calls during work time, and…

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May One Use a Client List from an Old Employer

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff  Case: An employee leaves a business or company for whom he or she was working and is now in possession of some useful information gleaned during their work, such as an address list, a client list, or…

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