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Paying For Work You Did Not Ask For

Rabbi Yosef Greenwald Case: A contractor decides to install extra items in a house he is working on without consulting the owner. For example, an electrician is hired by a homeowner to install eight light fixtures or spotlights, and he…

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Using Knowledge Gained from a Former Employer

Rabbi Yosef Greenwald   Answer: The basic issue at hand in questions like this is whether any system or program that the employee is paid to create for the employer belongs to the employer or not. Within halacha, this issue…

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Is a “No-return Policy” Permitted According to Halacha?

Rabbi Yosef Greenwald   Question: Is it halachically permissible for a store to have a “no refund policy” or “credit only policy” concerning exchanges and returns?  Answer: This question would appear to be most relevant to small, local Jewish establishments,…

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The Allowances of Working Remotely 

Rabbi Yosef Greenwald   Question: Working remotely has become more popular over the past few years and especially during the last few months as a result of Covid-19. Many employers will now allow workers to work from home much more…

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Capital Calls & Ribbis

Capital Calls & Ribbis Preferred Equity: Why Don’t the Elements of Risk Take Away Potential Ribbis Issues? Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Case: Reuven and Shimon create a business partnership. One of the terms was as follows. If the business ever…

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Ribbis and Convertible Notes

Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Question: In the previous sessions, we have discussed investment issues in halacha and in particular with regard to the prohibition of ribbis (forbidden interest). Another common question that arises relates to what is known as a…

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