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Is a Verbal Non-Compete Binding?

Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: We have spoken about the efficacy of a halachic non-compete. Would it be less enforceable if it was only agreed to verbally, without any documentation? Answer: As we have stated, non-competes rely on the concept…

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Halachic Non-Compete Vs. Legal Non-Compete

Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: Is there a benefit to having a halachic non-compete document over a standard legal one? Answer: One of most sensitive documents from a halachic perspective is a non-compete agreement. There are two reasons for that.…

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Halachic Contracts Vs. Involuntary Servitude

Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: An individual I am acquainted with needed a job, while I was in search of a chauffeur. I offered to hire him as my driver, but I had some stipulations. I said that I would…

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Can One Bet on Sports, Politics or Anything Else?

Rabbi Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: Today, there is a big gambling industry, with people placing bets on sports, elections, and many other things. Is such betting permitted according to halacha? Answer: The Gemara discusses something called mesachek b’kuvya, which is…

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Is A Contract Signed Under Duress Halachically Valid?

Rabbi Shmuel Honigwachs Question: Reuven went into business with his family. Now, he finds himself pressured to make certain transactions, sign over things to certain people and create other documents that are not fully kosher. He does not really want…

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