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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Insufficient Funds June 15, 2023 Q Two people approached me, each seeking a $10,000 loan, but I can only lend $10,000. Should I split it between them or somehow prioritize one over the other? A Lending money to a Jew…

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Are Anti-Eviction Laws Binding in Halacha?

Rav Baruch Meir Levin Question: In New Jersey and some other US states, there are laws that forbid evicting a tenant without just cause, even at the end of a lease. Is this law binding according to halacha? Answer: Anti-eviction…

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Gitten, Perek 3

Daf 24-  Obligating Oneself to an Unknown Beneficiary Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs, Dayan, Bais Havaad Lakewood Daf 25- The Difference Between Stipulations and Beraira Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs, Dayan, Bais Havaad Lakewood Daf 26 - The Mass Produced Pruzbul Rav…

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Gitten, Perek 2

Daf 16 - Harshaah in the Sending of a Get; Rav Eliezer Cohen Dayan, Kollel Even HaEzer Daf 17 - The Delayed Get; Rav Shimon Greenebaum Dayan, Kollel Even HaEzer Daf 18 - The Early Kesuvah; Rav Chanoch Saltz Rosh…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

A Conflict of Interest June 1, 2023 Q I am a residential landlord. When a tenant signs a lease, he provides me with a security deposit, which I am legally required to deposit into an interest-bearing escrow account. I confess…

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