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Introduction to Corporate Chametz

Preface The Torah forbids retaining any Chametz in our possession over Pesach. In addition, there is a positive commandment to get rid of any Chametz. Chazal further required all Jews to both search for and destroy all Chametz before Pesach,…

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Corporate Chametz Overview – Part 1

The Halachos of Business Related Chometz on Pesach  The Three Prohibitions:  There are three prohibitions related to chometz on Pesach.  It is forbidden to eat chometz on Pesach. It is forbidden to own chometz on Pesach or to have chometz…

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Chametz in Rented Apartments

Rav Yosef Kushner Question: If someone owns an apartment building with non-Jewish tenants who will have chametz in their apartments on Pesach, is that a concern? Answer: Chametz that belongs to a non-Jew is not a problem at all. Technically,…

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Regular Chometz Vs. Corporate Chometz

Question: When it comes to chometz on Pesach, is there any difference between getting rid of the chometz I have in my house and disposing of chometz in a business setting, such as an office building or commercial real estate?…

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If a Partner Makes an Error

Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: We previously spoke about an instance where one partner deviates from the partnership – for example, if the business sells electronics and he decides to purchase a shipment of shoes – and we said that he…

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When an Item is Sold for Less Than Its Worth

Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: If one partner sells merchandise at an inopportune time, deviating from the standard practice of the industry, and as a result the partnership suffers a loss, is he liable to cover the lost profits? Answer: The…

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When a Partner Launches His Own Line of Business

Rav Yitzchok Grossman Question: What is the halacha if one partner in a business deviates from the standard line of the partnership? For example, if a business sells electronics, and one partner goes out on his own and buys a…

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