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Nedorim, Perek 11

Daf 80 – When a Woman Forbids Herself to Bathe

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 81 – Why do Talmidei Chachomim often not Merit that their Sons are Talmidei Chachomim?

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 82 – The Types of Nedarim that a Husband Can Nullify

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 83 – The Eulogizers Will in Turn be Eulogized

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 84 – What is the Halacha Pertaining to Kickbacks?

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 85 – Transferring Property That has not yet Come Into the World

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 86 – Renting Currently Rented Property

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 87 – Knowing for Whom You are Nullifying

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 88 – The Time Frame of Toch Kidei Dibur

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 89 – What a Wife Acquires her Husband has Acquired

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 90 – The Wife Who States “I am Prohibited to You” Part 1

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ

Daf 91 – The Wife Who States “I am Prohibited to You” Part 2

Rav Yosef Jacobovitz, Chaver Vaad HaRabonim Mishmeres Kohanim and Mercaz Halacha of Lakewood, NJ



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