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Playing with Fire: Adopting Chukos Hagoyim

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman March 2, 2023 The Yeshiva World reports: HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Zilberstein on Monday published a letter, signed by Rosh Yeshivah HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein, against firecrackers ahead of the upcoming holiday of…

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Pest Control: Managing Nuisance Neighbors

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman Fabruary 23, 2023 The Associated Press reports: In his battle against rats, New York City Mayor Eric Adams scored a split decision Tuesday when a hearing officer dismissed one summons while upholding…

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Fair Hearing: May One Listen in on Private Conversations?

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman Fabruary 9, 2023 Hefkervelt reports: Lakewood Hatzolah launches ad campaign against the practice of listening in to Hatzolah calls with scanners and posting pictures of accident scenes on public forums and websites.…

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Subordinate Clause: Are Noncompete Agreements Binding?

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman January 26, 2022 The Associated Press reports: The Federal Trade Commission proposed a rule Thursday that would ban U.S. employers from imposing noncompete clauses on workers, a sweeping measure that could make…

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Counter a Tax: Disincentivizing Unhealthful Behavior

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman January 19, 2023 New Israeli finance minister Betzalel Smotrich recently declared his intention to roll back the taxes on sweetened beverages imposed by the previous government. While the Chareidi Knesset members apparently…

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Shooting Stars: May We Photograph Celestial Bodies?

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman January 12, 2022 NASA’s uncrewed Artemis I Moon-orbiting mission recently sent back some spectacular images of the Moon and the Earth,[1] and the Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument on the…

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