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How to Do Teshuvah for Geneivas Da’as

Rabbi Chaim Weg Question: Someone violated the prohibition of geneivas da’as by deceiving another in one of the ways discussed over the last few segments (e.g., selling an item while misrepresenting its quality). Is the sale still valid, or must…

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Must I correct Someone’s Faulty Assumptions?

Question: An individual from Lakewood was making a wedding for one of his children in Chicago. A good friend of his from Lakewood happened to be in Chicago on business at that time and decided to attend the wedding. When…

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What Constitutes Geneivas Da’as?

 Rabbi Chaim Weg  Question: Many people are familiar with the term “geneivas da’as” and are aware that it is forbidden. However, not everyone realizes what the basic parameters of geneivas da’as actually are. What are some of the basic guidelines…

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May One Park in an Illegal Spot?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: Someone is driving to a meeting or an appointment but cannot find a parking spot nearby. If he will be late otherwise, would it be permitted to park in a spot that is illegal? Answer: This…

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Can One Take Advantage of Broad Online Return Policies?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff   Case: Many websites have a very broad return policy, sometimes even allowing one to keep an item they returned (and received a refund for).  Question: What are the halachic parameters considering purchasing where one “knows” that…

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