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Extra Tzedakah Money

Rav Baruch Fried Question: An individual organized a fundraising event for a very specific cause. He needed to raise a certain amount of money to cover the costs of this cause. When he counted the proceeds, he realized he had…

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Lost Ma’aser Money

Rav Baruch Fried Question: Reuven had an envelope full of ma’aser money that he planned on disbursing to the tzedakah collectors in his shul. Somehow, he accidentally misplaced the money; is he responsible to replace it?   Answer: There is a…

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Using Ma’aser Instead of Charging Interest

Rav Baruch Fried Question: I have a friend who is struggling in business. He needs an interest-free loan to stay afloat and he asked me to lend him the money, explaining that he is only able to pay it back…

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Using Ma’aser Money to Write Off a Loan

Rav Baruch Fried Question: Reuven lends money to Shimon and he knows that Shimon is poor and cannot repay the loan. Reuven wants to forgive the loan and deduct the amount he was owed from his ma’aser account. Can he…

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Prepaying Ma’aser

Rav Baruch Fried Case: Reuven has a business and usually takes off ma’aser at the end of each year. This year, he made a very profitable deal that netted him a large profit. Question: He wants to designate all this…

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Using Ma’aser Money For Raffle Tickets

Rav Baruch fried Question: Many organizations hold raffle campaigns as fundraisers. May one use ma’aser money to purchase raffle tickets? Answer: The Taz says that one can use ma’aser money to buy an aliyah. Since the money is going to…

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Ma’aser for Tuition

Rav Baruch Fried Question: Can one use ma’aser money for tuition payments? Answer: The general rule is that one cannot use ma’aser money to pay for mitzvos that he is otherwise obligated to do. For instance, there is a mitzvah…

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