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Does Halachah Allow for Late Fees?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Question: Due to the coronavirus and the resulting financial difficulties, some renters have had trouble paying their rent in a timely manner and have had late fees imposed upon them. Is it permitted according to the halachah…

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May One Claim Unemployment for Yomim-Tovim?

Rabbi Daniel Dombroff Case: During the recent period of Covid-19, many people have not been able to continue with their regular jobs and have applied for unemployment. But in order to be certified for receiving the unemployment money, one must attest that one is capable of working during that time. The problem…

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Paying for a Wedding Cancelled Due to Covid-19

Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: A chasan was unfortunately forced to cancel or delay his chasuna due to Covid-19. However, he had already made an agreement with a photographer, a musician, and a caterer for the event. Is he still…

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Paying for Canceled Playgroups Due to Covid-19 | Part 2

Rabbi Baruch Meir Levin Question: The Bais HaVaad recently released guidelines about unemployment for morahs who run playgroups for children that were cancelled over the past few months due to Covid-19. According to the guidelines, if the morah is likely…

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Giving Ma’aser Kesafim During Times of Financial Difficulty

Rav Chaim Weg Question 1: As a result of the coronavirus, many people have unfortunately been struggling financially to make ends meet. Is the widespread practice of giving ma’aser kesafim, one-tenth of one’s earnings to tzedaka, applicable during this time? Must one give ma’aser from his income…

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Landlord and Tenants Rights Amid COVID-19

Rav Chaim Weg Question: What is the halacha if a landlord rents out hisbasement to another family or a playgroup, and a member of that family or playgroup contracts the coronavirus? Does the landlord have any right to regulate what…

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Proper Precedence in Payments

Rabbi Chaim Weg - Rosh Kollel of Bais HaVaad Kollel for Dayanus - formerly Rosh Kollel of Scranton Kollel When money is scarce, who gets paid first? Question: What are the general parameters for a business, regarding paying employees vs.…

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Maaser for Covid Tuition

Q1. May one use maaser for tuition in general? Q2. Even if in a normal circumstance one cannot, is it possible that the tuition being paid during the COVID-19 school closures may be paid from maaser money? Answer 1: The…

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Playgroups vs. Schools

Q. The peshara for playgroups as mentioned previously was 25-33% of the regular tuition. Why does it seem that the expectation regarding schools is to pay closer to full tuition? As a matter of fact, there is a possibility from a Halachic…

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