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Are there any Ribbis issues I need to be aware of when syndicating a deal? If I put up money to help my partnership through the month, are there Ribbis concerns?

Can I write “Best deal in town” on my ads if it may not be accurate? May I advertise a few doorbuster items to get customers through the door?

If someone asks me questions about an old employee, and I have some negative things to say, am I allowed to? What are the paramaters?

I am working much harder than my partner and bringing in all the deals. Am I entitled to a larger share? Our partnership is really not working out; is there any way I can force him out?
Does One Have to Learn Halacha and Mussar?
Rav Chaim Weg Question: We have stated that the ikkur mitzvah of limud haTorah is to learn Gemara. What about learning mussar and halacha? Is that also part of the mitzvah? Answer: Part of the mitzvah of limud haTorah is that the learning should be “meivi l’yedei ma’asoh”, it should…
Peshara and Arkaos - Part I
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part III
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part IV
The Bais Din Process - Part I
The Bais Din Process - Part II
The Bais Din Process - Part III
The Bais Din Process - Part IV
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part II
Halachos of Avodah Zara - Part I
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part IV
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part IV
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part III
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part II
Yichud & Gender-Related Halachos: Part I
Lashon Harah in Business Part II: Lashon Harah L’toeles
Lashon Harah in Business Part I: The Parameters of Lashon Harah
The Halachos of Brokerage Part II: Co-Brokering & Volunteer Brokering
The Halachos of Brokerage Part I: The Broker/Client Relationship
Professional Malpractice Part IV: Corruption and Self-Dealing
Professional Malpractice Part III: Professional Liability
Professional Malpractice Part II: Medical Malpractice
Professional Malpractice Part I: General Malpractice
Ribbis in Commerce Part IV: Banks, Unions, & Corporations
Ribbis in Commerce Part III: Loans From Non-Jews on Behalf of Jewish Borrowers
Ribbis in Commerce Part II: Credit Sales & Services
Am I Allowed to Prepay For a Bungalow Rental?
Rabbi Yosef Kushner Case: I want to rent a bungalow for the summer and I found one that is available. The owner says that I can reserve the bungalow if…
Ribbis in Commerce Part I: Prepayments & Borrowing Measure-for-Measure
Ribbis IV: Heter Iska
Ribbis III: Conditional Ribbis
Ribbis II: Classifications of Ribbis
Ribbis I: The Prohibition of Ribbis
Loans & Collections: Part IV
Loans & Collections: Part III
Loans & Collections: Part II
Loans & Collections: Part I
Does Shemitas Kesafim Apply to Other Debts Besides Loans?
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Question: We know that shemittah wipes out loans. Does it also erase other forms…
When is a Pruzbul Written?
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Question: I was under the assumption that debts are erased at the end of…
What Is a Pruzbul?
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Question: How exactly does a pruzbul work? Is it necessary for everyone to write…
Shemittah in Chutz La’aretz
Rav Avrohom Yeshaya Cohen, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Ohel Yitzchok and Posek at The Bais HaVaad Question: Most halachos of shemittah are applicable only in Eretz Yisroel. I don’t live…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 4
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 3
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 2
Tzedakah & Ma'aser II: Week 1
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 4
Using Ma’aser Money For a Loan
Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais HaVaad Question: I know of a poor man who I feel has the potential to start a business and become self-sufficient. May I use my…
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 3
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 2
Tzedakah & Ma'aser I: Week 1
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 5
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 4
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 3
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 2
Onaah and Mekach Taos Part 1
Commitments & Kinyanim Part IV
Commitments & Kinyanim Part III
Commitments & Kinyanim Part II
Commitments & Kinyanim Part I
Competition & Infringement - Part IV
Competition & Infringement - Part III
Competition & Infringement - Part II
Competition & Infringement - Part I
Corporate Chametz - Part III
Corporate Chametz - Part II
Corporate Chametz - Part I
Partnerships & Corporations Part IV - Mutual liability
Partnerships & Corporations Part III - Profits & Losses
Partnerships & Corporations Part II - Profits and Losses
Partnerships & Corporations - Part I
Non-Compete Agreements
Halachic Contracts Vs. Involuntary Servitude
Rav Shmuel Binyomin Honigwachs Question: An individual I am acquainted with needed a job, while I was in search of a chauffeur. I offered to hire him as my driver,…