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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Gratuitous Instruction

June 22, 2023

Q Walmart’s same-day delivery service automatically adds a $4 tip for the driver to my bill unless I opt out. Must I remove it due to lo sechaneim?

A The Gemara (Avodah Zarah 20a) says that lo sechaneim (Dvarim 7:2) prohibits giving gifts to idol worshippers. The Sefer Hachinuch (mitzvah 426) explains that this prohibition prevents us from bonding with them, pursuing their love, and being influenced by their ways. While some poskim limit the issur to idol worshippers, the Shach (Y.D. 151:18) rules that it applies to all non-Jews except a ger toshav, who formally accepts the mitzvos bnei No’ach (Rambam Hilchos Avodah Zarah 10:4).

Traditionally, it has been accepted practice to give gifts to non-Jewish employees (like holiday bonuses) or business associates, based on the Tosefta cited by the Rosh (Avodah Zarah 1:19): “One may give a gift to a non-Jewish friend or neighbor, because it is like selling to him.” The Levush (Y.D. ibid.) explains that a gift to an acquaintance is more investment than gift, as one can expect reciprocation.

Tipping a waiter or barber is permitted for another reason: It is standard practice, so it is seen as part of the payment rather than a gift. Because of this, it is permitted even if reciprocity is unlikely, so a traveler may tip a waiter even if he expects never to return to the restaurant.

It’s hard to determine whether tipping Walmart delivery drivers is standard practice. And reciprocal favors are unlikely, as the connection between driver and customer is limited. In most cases, though, tipping is permitted—recommended, even—to maintain peaceful relations. If Walmart drivers got the impression that Jews weren’t tipping, it could cause animosity, and the Shulchan Aruch (C.M. 249:2) says one may give a gift for darchei shalom. This is especially true if the delivery is to a visibly Jewish neighborhood.

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