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Halachos of Daily Living

Are women obligated to recite one hundred brachos daily?

Many poskim write that women are exempt from this mitzvah. As evidence, the Shevet HaLevi (5:23) points out that the Rishonim who list the hundred brachos recited each day include the brachos that are recited on Tallis and Tefillin. Since women do not recite these brachos, this would indicate that these Rishonim did not consider this obligation to apply to women. Teshuvos V’Hanhagos (2:129) adds that since the one hundred brachos must be recited each day, according to some opinions this qualifies the mitzvah as a time-bound obligation, which women are not required.

Is there a bracha that should be recited on a hurricane?

Yes. Shulchan Aruch (OC 227:1) writes one may recite either Oseh Maasay Bereishis or Shekocho Ugvuroso Molay Olomfor thunder, lightning or “great winds that blow with rage”. Common practice is to recite Oseh Maasay Bereishis for lightning (this bracha speaks of the wonders of creation), and Shekocho Ugvuroso Molay Olom for thunder (this bracharefers to the awesome power of Hashem) [Mishna Berura 227:5]. The Mishna Berura also writes that the blessing of Shekocho Ugvuroso Molay Olom – “That His power and strength fills the world” is only said on a wind that howls with such intensity that it can be heard across the world (until the horizon) similar to thunder. Since we are not proficient in delineating what exactly is a “wind that blows with rage”, we do not recite this blessing. Instead, we recite the blessing of Oseh Maasay Bereishis. Although a hurricane would seemingly qualify as “a wind that blows with rage” the custom is to avoid the issue by always reciting Oseh Maasay Bereishis which can be recited on any dangerous gust of wind.

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