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May One Sell Sourdough Starter Over Pesach?

Rav Ariel Ovadia Question: To make sourdough, you need a “starter”. Some people have a specific starter they use for years. They want to sell it with their chometz but they want that specific starter back after Pesach. Is the…

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Should a Person Sell His Chometz

Rav Ariel Ovadia Question:  Is it appropriate to sell your chometz before Pesach? Answer: There are those who are machmir not to sell chometz; however, the consensus amongst the Poskim is that a person may sell his chometz, and this…

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How Should One Publicize That He Found an Aveidah?

Rav Baruch Fried Question: We said in the previous segment that a shomer aveidah has an obligation to make a hachrazah. What exactly does that entail? Answer: In the times of the Bais Hamikdosh, when people were Oleh Regel, there…

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What is The Responsibility of a Shomer Aveidah?

Rav Baruch Fried Question: What are the responsibilities of one who picks up an aveidah? Answer: Obviously, the goal of one who picks up an aveidah is to reunite the item with its owner, which means he has a responsibility…

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