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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Ki Savo

Boundless  Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by Dayan Yitzhak Grossman August 31, 2023   Accursed is one who moves the boundary of his fellow... Dvarim 27:17 This curse upon the masig gvul refers to an issur in Parshas Shoftim:…

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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Seeing Eye August 31, 2023 Q My neighbor’s property was vandalized. My surveillance camera captured the scene, so he is asking me to turn over the footage to identify the culprit. Am I permitted to show him the video? Must…

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Bug Fix: May Insects Ever Be Eaten?

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman August 31, 2023 Reuters reports: On a recent vacation in Tokyo, Takumi Yamamoto opted for a special lunch of cricket curry and silkworm sashimi, washed down with a water bug cider. The…

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Does One Have to Learn Halacha and Mussar?

Rav Chaim Weg Question: We have stated that the ikkur mitzvah of limud haTorah is to learn Gemara. What about learning mussar and halacha? Is that also part of the mitzvah?  Answer: Part of the mitzvah of limud haTorah is…

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Which Parts of Torah Should One Learn?

Rav Chaim Weg Question: What should my learning schedule be like? Should I learn Chumash, Daf Yomi, Mishnayos, etc.? Answer: The Gemara says that a person should divide his learning time into three parts. One-third of his time should be…

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How Much of The Torah Must One Learn?

Rav Chaim Weg Question: A fellow really enjoys learning Maseches Makkos. He wants to learn it over and over again. Can he fulfill his obligation of limud haTorah by just learning this Masechta again and again? Answer: Rav Yisroel Salanter…

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Kidushin, Perek 1

Daf 2  - The Anatomy of a Kiddushin Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais Havaad Daf 3  - Understanding Kinyan Chalipin Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais Havaad Daf 4 - Kesef Kinyan and Kesef Kiddushin Rav Dovid Grossman, Rosh Bais Havaad…

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Gitten, Perek 9

Daf 82  - Reyach HaGet -When It "Smells" Like a Get Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman, Dayan, Machon Halacha U'refuah of Chayim Aruchim Daf 83  - Never go to your Father's House! Rabbi Eliezer Gewirtzman, Dayan, Machon Halacha U'refuah of Chayim Aruchim…

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Bais HaVaad on the Parsha, Parshas Ki Seitzei

Cottage Loaf Excerpted and adapted from a shiur by HaRav Yechiel Biberfeld    August 24, 2023   An Amoni or Moavi shall not enter the congregation of Hashem, even their tenth generation shall not enter the congregation of Hashem, to eternity,…

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