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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline


February 16, 2023

I made two two-pound batches of dough, one of white flour and the other whole wheat, and baked them together. Should I separate challah?

A For a dough to be subject to challah, it must have 43.2 beitzim of flour (Y.D. 324:1), which is 2-2/3 pounds according to R’ Chaim Na’eh.

Two batches of dough that were kneaded separately, even at the same time by one person, are considered separate. For them to combine for challah, they need to be joined, either by touching and sticking enough that pulling them apart will cause neshichah (“biting,” where one takes a piece from the other), or by being together in a rimmed pan (ibid. 325:1). Otherwise, they are exempt from challah.

If doughs are baked together, the oven may combine them. Although the halacha follows the Rambam who says that ovens don’t have this effect, some poskim rule that contemporary ovens are utensils and combine the doughs (Chelkas Binyamin 325:18). One should separate challah without a bracha.

To avoid the need to break baked loaves, combine the doughs before baking. Place them together in a rimmed pan, or just drape a towel over both doughs (Y.D. ibid.). They should preferably touch, but in this case neshichah is not necessary (Mishnah Brurah 457:7). Challah may be taken even after the doughs are separated.

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