When the best-laid plans of mice and men go awry.

Adapted from the writings of Dayan Yitzhak Grossman

In this article, we will consider whether parents are
obligated to honor tuition commitments to schools that have temporarily closed.

The fundamental rule set forth by the Gemara is that if circumstances arise that prevent an employee from performing his work, he is not entitled to his wages, unless the circumstances were foreseeable by the employer but not by the employee.[1] This principle is explicitly applied by the poskim to the case of a parent who hired a tutor for his son and the child fell ill or died, Rachmana litzlan: The tutor is not entitled to his wages unless the child’s illness is a frequent occurrence—and thus foreseeable to the parent—but the tutor was unfamiliar with the child’s condition.[2]

An important exception is that if the wages were paid in
advance, the employee is not obligated to refund them.[3]
The rationale for this is not entirely clear. Some poskim
that by paying in advance, the employer is tacitly granting the employee the
right to retain his wages even if he is later unable to perform his job.[4]
This implies that the exception only obtains where the employer deliberately
paid in advance. There is an opinion that the exception only applies if the
employer had the option to pay later and chose to pay in advance, but not where
the employee insisted on advance payment as a condition of his employment.[5]
Other poskim, however, explain that the question of
whether the employee is entitled to his wages hinges on who has possession of
the money (muchzak), so if
the employee has possession he may retain the money regardless of how this came

The poskim also
discuss the case where it was the tutor that fell ill and couldn’t teach. Here,
too, the basic rule is that he is not entitled to compensation,[7]
although some poskim maintain
here as well that if he received his wages in advance he may retain them,[8]
though others disagree.[9]

There is an opinion that if the tutor can do at least some teaching,
he is entitled to his full wages.[10]

The Maharil discusses a situation somewhat analogous to the
current one, where a father employed a tutor for his son and then fled an
outbreak of the plague along with his son. Maharil applies the above rule, that
because the father had no greater knowledge of the future than the tutor, he is
not obligated to pay him.[11]

The Maharam
discusses a similar case and rules similarly, but he qualifies that the
father’s exemption is due to the fact that not all the locals had fled. Had
they all[13]
done so, he implies, the situation would be classified as a regional disaster (makas
), in which Maharam
MeRotenberg rules that the tutor would be entitled to his wages. The latter
also considers it a makas medinah if tutors
couldn’t teach by government edict.[14] This application of makas
is, however, subject to considerable
controversy.[15] Additionally,
some poskim say that even in a
situation of makas medinah, the
tutor is only entitled to his wages if he had not fled prior to the student and
was ready to teach.

In summary:

  • An
    employee, including a teacher, is generally not entitled to compensation for
    work he does not perform, even if he is prevented from working by circumstances
    beyond his control. A parent would therefore not be liable to pay tuition for
    the period that his school was closed.
  • If
    the employee was paid in advance, he may keep the money, although some poskim
    this to where the payment was made voluntarily by the employer. This is
    applicable to tuition that a parent paid before the closure.
  • A
    school that continued to provide at least some form of teaching, e.g., by teleconference,
    would be entitled to its full tuition according to at least some opinions.
  • The
    above notwithstanding, if school closures are universal throughout a region, the
    schools would be entitled to tuition, although there is an opinion that this
    would only apply if the schools were prepared to remain open and it was the
    parents’ choice to keep their children home. Similarly, if the closures were
    mandated by the government, according to at least some poskim
    schools would be entitled to tuition.

Note that our discussion only considers the default halachic principles,
applicable in the absence of any express stipulation between the school and
parent or any prevailing custom. We also do not consider here the potentially-complicating
factor that the parents’ agreement is with the school and not directly with the

[1]Bava Metzia 76b-77a,
Tur and Shulchan Aruch C.M. 334:1

Ra’aviah and Maharam of Rothenberg, cited in Rosh B.M. ibid. #3 and Mordechai ibid.
#345; Tur and S.A. ibid. 334:4. This is the normative halacha, although there
are dissenting views: R’ Yoel maintains that if the child dies R”l, the tutor
is entitled to his wages (Mordechai #356), and Maharam had initially ruled that
way before changing his mind (Mordechai #346). See Machanei Efraim, Hilchos Sechirus
and #8
and Shu”t Nechpah
Vakessef cheilek
1, C.M. #30
for extensive discussion of these views, and cf. Pis’chei Choshen, Hilchos Sechirus
ch. 12 n. 30.

ibid. 79b s.v. ee atah; Rosh ibid. #3; Terumas Hadeshen 1:329;
Shach 334, end of 2; Erech Shai 334:1 s.v. mihu yesh
; Shu”t Shevus
(cited in Pis’chei Teshuvah 310:1); Shu”t Be’er
Yitzchak C.M. siman
6 anaf 4.
Cf. Shu”t Bris
(cited in Pis’chei Teshuvah 316:2).

and Terumas Hadeshen ibid.

Maharach Or Zarua

Shai ibid., and this is also the implication of Shevus Yaakov ibid.

ibid. #6; Mordechai ibid. #347; Rama ibid. 333:5

cited in sources in the previous note

ibid. s.k. 25. Cf. Pis’chei Choshen ibid. ch. 11 n. 50.

[10]Rikanti #50,
cited in Kenesses Hagedolah
334, Hagahos Beis
f #38.
Cf. Pis’chei Choshen ibid. ch. 11 n. 49.

[11]Shu”t Maharil
codified by Rama ibid. 334:1

[12]Shu”t Maharam

ibid. s.k. 3 infers from Maharam Padua’s language that a majority having fled
is insufficient to invoke the classification of makas medinah, but the Shach himself
disagrees. Cf. Pis’chei Choshen ibid. ch. 6 n. 35.

ibid. #343 and Hagahos Ashri ibid. 6:6, codified by Rama 321:1

Padua himself maintains elsewhere (#39, in
the context of a rental agreement), in apparent contradiction to his ruling
here, that makas medinah does not require the payment of compensation for
benefit not received. Cf. Darkei Moshe and Rama 321:1 (and Rama 312:17); Sema
s.k. 6; Taz; Shach s.k. 1; Biur HaGra s.k. 7; Nesivos HaMishpat, Biurim, s.k.
1; Shu”t She’eilas Shalom (Mahadura Kama) #73; Shu”t
Zekan Aharon
Pis’chei Choshen ibid. ch. 6 n. 29; Shu”t Minchas Asher 2:120; and see the
extensive list of contemporary discussions of this topic in R. Yehudah Zoldan, Mimon Hotzaos Tz’va’ios
V’Ezrachios B’Ikvos Milchamah
, fn. 2.