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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline
Diverted Gelt
January 2, 2025
Q My grandparents gave me Chanukah gelt with instructions to buy a dining room set. May I use the money for something else instead?
A The Gemara (Bava Metzia 78b) cites a machalokess between Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel and R’ Meir whether a poor person may use funds given to him for the Purim seudah to buy a shoe strap.
The Rama (O.C. 694:2), following the Rosh, rules leniently like Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel, while the Tur follows the strict view of R’ Meir. The Mishnah Brurah (ibid. 7) rules like the Rama and doesn’t mention the Tur here, though he does in Hilchos Shabbos (O.C. 242:4). He also cites there from the Sefer Chasidim that one should not eat food that was given to him for Shabbos use on a weekday. The Shulchan Aruch Harav (ibid. 8) says that this Sefer Chasidim is only a midas chasidus (pious practice), but the Chavos Ya’ir (232) understands it to be a halachic ruling. He maintains, however, that it applies only to gifts given for mitzvah uses, like Shabbos and Purim meals, where the giver would benefit from the mitzvah performed with his donation.
In summary, it is preferable to use the gift as intended, but if you have pressing needs, you may spend it on them instead. Still, consider the feelings of the benefactor, and make any change tactfully.