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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Milk Tolerance

November 7, 2024

Q May almond milk be used in a meat or chicken recipe?

A The Rama (Y.D. 87:3) says that mixing almond milk with meat is forbidden under the principle of mar’is ayin, because onlookers might think it’s real milk. Mar’is ayin applies even if no one is present (see O.C. 301:45).

Adding almond milk to a chicken recipe is more lenient, because the issur of basar bechalav in poultry is only mideRabanan. The Rama (ibid.) therefore allows cooking chicken in almond milk and is not concerned about mar’is ayin. But the Shach (ibid. 6) maintains that mar’is ayin applies to deRabanan prohibitions as well. One should follow the Shach and avoid mixing almond milk with poultry (Aruch Hashulchan ibid. 16). But if no onlookers are present, one may be lenient with poultry (Pis’chei Teshuvah ibid. 10).

According to the Rama (see Shach ibid.), combining almond milk with meat is only prohibited if the two are cooked together; if the almond milk is added without cooking, it is permitted. But the Shach (ibid.) forbids any contact. All agree that if the milk is served after the meat dishes are cleared, it is permitted (Knessess Hagedolah ibid. 8; see also Yabia Omer Y.D. 6:8).

If almond milk inadvertently falls into a meat food, bitul beshishim is not required; if the dish lacks the appearance of milk, it is permitted (See Shulchan Aruch ibid. 4).

The Rama offers a solution to allow combining almond milk with meat: Add some almonds to the recipe, or put some on the serving plate, to indicate to onlookers that the milk is from almonds and eliminate mar’is ayin. Similarly, if the almond milk container is left on the table and is labeled as such, mar’is ayin is eliminated (Teshuvos Vehanhagos 6:84).

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