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Q&A from the Bais HaVaad Halacha Hotline

Truck Stop

September 5, 2024

Q My company often needs trucks, and today a rental was delivered to us with inappropriate images painted on the exterior. May I allow my employee to drive it?

A The Torah warns us to guard our eyes from gazing at images that cause improper thoughts, as it says, “Velo sasuru acharei levavchem ve’acharei eineichem” (Bemidbar 15:39; see Mishnah Brurah 75:7). It is therefore forbidden to let your worker drive the truck through a Jewish neighborhood—religious or not—as you may cause a Jewish man to stumble. This is so even if refusing the truck means it will be rented by someone else who will drive it through the same neighborhood. Although lifnei iveir (the prohibition to cause another to sin) doesn’t apply when an issur is available to the potential transgressor without assistance, in this case some driver’s help is required (see Pis’chei Teshuvah Y.D. 151:2). Also, your driver might pass someone at a time that another driver wouldn’t have.

You may have your worker drive the truck through non-Jewish neighborhoods, because non-Jews are not subject to this prohibition. Still, it is best to refrain, because all of society is obligated to uphold a culture of decency (see Rashi to Bemidbar 22:5), and displaying such images contributes to a breakdown of moral standards.

As a solution, you might wish to purchase magnetic strips to cover the images temporarily. If you choose to do this, it would be commendable for you to request this particular truck whenever you rent, to remove it from public display for a time.

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