Parnes HayomPerpetual Parnes HayomParnes HashavuahParnes HachodeshParnes HayomOne Time Payment $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $1,800Kollel Dayanus | $1,000Choshen Mishpat Kollel | $720Even HaEzer Kollel | $600Bais Din | $500Yorucha Network | $360Shalom Bayis Division | $260Dispute Resolution Center | $180Medical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $120OtherDonate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date Hebrew Day - select - א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י יא יב יג יד טו טז יז יח יט כ כא כב כג כד כה כו כז כח כט ל Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Hebrew Year - select - תשפ"ד תשפ"ה In the event that the selected dates are already dedicated, the specific date will be co-sponsored and, in addition, the next possible date will be dedicated as well. Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $1,800.00 Monthly Installments $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $150, Monthly for 12 monthsKollel Dayanus | $72, Monthly for 12 monthsChoshen Mishpat Kollel | $60, Monthly for 12 monthsEven HaEzer Kollel | $50, Monthly for 12 monthsBais Din | $40, Monthly for 12 monthsYorucha Network | $30, Monthly for 12 monthsShalom Bayis Division | $20, Monthly for 12 monthsDispute Resolution Center | $15, Monthly for 12 monthsMedical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $10, Monthly for 12 monthsOtherYou have chosen to donate $150.00 monthly for 12 months.Donate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date Hebrew Day - select - א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י יא יב יג יד טו טז יז יח יט כ כא כב כג כד כה כו כז כח כט ל Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Hebrew Year - select - תשפ"ד תשפ"ה In the event that the selected dates are already dedicated, the specific date will be co-sponsored and, in addition, the next possible date will be dedicated as well. Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $150.00 Monthly for 12 months Perpetual Parnes Hayom Dedicate This Day For Life One Time Payment $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $18,000Kollel Dayanus | $10,000Choshen Mishpat Kollel | $7,200Even HaEzer Kollel | $6,000Bais Din | $5,000Yorucha Network | $3,600Shalom Bayis Division | $2,600Dispute Resolution Center | $1,800Medical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $1,200OtherDonate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date Hebrew Day - select - א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י יא יב יג יד טו טז יז יח יט כ כא כב כג כד כה כו כז כח כט ל Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $18,000.00 Monthly Installments $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $1,500, Monthly for 12 monthsKollel Dayanus | $1,000, Monthly for 12 monthsChoshen Mishpat Kollel | $600, Monthly for 12 monthsEven HaEzer Kollel | $500, Monthly for 12 monthsBais Din | $400, Monthly for 12 monthsYorucha Network | $300, Monthly for 12 monthsShalom Bayis Division | $200, Monthly for 12 monthsDispute Resolution Center | $150, Monthly for 12 monthsMedical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $100, Monthly for 12 monthsOtherYou have chosen to donate $1,500.00 monthly for 12 months.Donate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date Hebrew Day - select - א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י יא יב יג יד טו טז יז יח יט כ כא כב כג כד כה כו כז כח כט ל Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $1,500.00 Monthly for 12 months Parnes HashavuahOne Time Payment $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $5,000Kollel Dayanus | $3,600Choshen Mishpat Kollel | $3,000Even HaEzer Kollel | $2,600Bais Din | $2,000Yorucha Network | $1,200Shalom Bayis Division | $1,000Dispute Resolution Center | $720Medical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $500OtherDonate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date - Week of: Hebrew Day - select - א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י יא יב יג יד טו טז יז יח יט כ כא כב כג כד כה כו כז כח כט ל Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Hebrew Year - select - תשפ"ד תשפ"ה In the event that the selected dates are already dedicated, the specific date will be co-sponsored and, in addition, the next possible date will be dedicated as well. Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $5,000.00 Monthly Installments $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $400, Monthly for 12 monthsKollel Dayanus | $300, Monthly for 12 monthsChoshen Mishpat Kollel | $250, Monthly for 12 monthsEven HaEzer Kollel | $200, Monthly for 12 monthsBais Din | $150, Monthly for 12 monthsYorucha Network | $100, Monthly for 12 monthsShalom Bayis Division | $72, Monthly for 12 monthsDispute Resolution Center | $60, Monthly for 12 monthsMedical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $40, Monthly for 12 monthsOtherYou have chosen to donate $400.00 monthly for 12 months.Donate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date - Week of: Hebrew Day - select - א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י יא יב יג יד טו טז יז יח יט כ כא כב כג כד כה כו כז כח כט ל Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Hebrew Year - select - תשפ"ד תשפ"ה In the event that the selected dates are already dedicated, the specific date will be co-sponsored and, in addition, the next possible date will be dedicated as well. Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $400.00 Monthly for 12 months Parnes HachodeshOne Time Payment $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $25,000Kollel Dayanus | $18,000Choshen Mishpat Kollel | $15,000Even HaEzer Kollel | $12,000Bais Din | $10,000Yorucha Network | $7,200Shalom Bayis Division | $5,000Dispute Resolution Center | $3,600Medical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $2,500OtherDonate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Hebrew Year - select - תשפ"ד תשפ"ה In the event that the selected dates are already dedicated, the specific date will be co-sponsored and, in addition, the next possible date will be dedicated as well. Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $25,000.00 Monthly Installments $ Donation Amount: Choose Your Donation Amount:Entire Bais HaVaad | $2,000, Monthly for 12 monthsKollel Dayanus | $1,500, Monthly for 12 monthsChoshen Mishpat Kollel | $1,250, Monthly for 12 monthsEven HaEzer Kollel | $1,000, Monthly for 12 monthsBais Din | $750, Monthly for 12 monthsYorucha Network | $600, Monthly for 12 monthsShalom Bayis Division | $400, Monthly for 12 monthsDispute Resolution Center | $300, Monthly for 12 monthsMedical Halacha Center / Halacha Hotline | $200, Monthly for 12 monthsOtherYou have chosen to donate $2,000.00 monthly for 12 months.Donate Now → Select Payment Method Authorize.Net - Credit Card Authorize.Net - eCheck PayPal Dedicate this Donation Dedication Date Hebrew Month - select - תשרי חשון כסלו טבת שבט אדר ניסן אייר סיון תמוז אב אלול אדר א אדר ב Hebrew Year - select - תשפ"ד תשפ"ה In the event that the selected dates are already dedicated, the specific date will be co-sponsored and, in addition, the next possible date will be dedicated as well. Dedication Type Dedication Type For the refuah sheleima of In memory of For the zechus of Dedication Text Personal Info First Name * Last Name Email Address * Credit Card Info This is a secure SSL encrypted payment. Card Number * CVC * Cardholder Name * Expiration * Donation Total: $2,000.00 Monthly for 12 months 732.276.1344 |