Klal Yisroel’s center
for all things Business Halacha.
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Bais Havaad provides hands-on pragmatic solutions to the myriad halachic issues and concerns facing the Torah professional in his business and personal relationships.
Bais HaVaad Rabbinical Court provides halachic mediation and arbitration of monetary, familial, and social disputes, all conducted in an atmosphere of professionalism, sensitivity, and integrity.
With over 50 Dayanim, Poskim and Kollel members – a group of some of the most accomplished Talmidei Chachamim in the United States today – the Bais Havaad has become the epicenter for the study and analysis of Halacha and its application in today’s world.
The Bais HaVaad Kehilla Division provides a full suite of business halacha services. From contracts and partnership agreements to heter iskas, wills, and shabbos arrangements, the Kehilla Division ensures that a halachic life is fully accessible and practical for all.
We are here to ensure that you can engage in your business dealings while being secure in the knowledge that you are adhering to the highest standards in halacha.
Our Bais Din works tirelessly to mediate and adjudicate any disagreements.
Our Dayanim in the guidance and services division are there to guide you through any business shailos you may have, and create halachically valid and clearcut documents that will work to mitigate future issues/misunderstandings in the best way possible.
Our education division works to educate Klal Yisroel on Business Halacha through media and learning programs helping to transform the way we view business in the frum community.
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Business Halacha Services
When time is of the essence. When it’s a difficult partnership agreement. When you and your employee need to part ways. When your heter iska needs to satisfy the law and The Law. Our Choshen Mishpat professionals will get it done.
Torah & Media Division
Research and education of contemporary issues through the prism of Halacha and Hashkafa.
Zichron Gershon Kollel L’Dayanus
A full-day kollel comprised of advanced scholars producing Dayanim of the highest caliber.
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Featured Journal Press
Do I Have to Pay a Painter Who Painted My Office the Wrong Color?
Rav Yosef Greenwald Question: I hired someone to paint my office. When he finished the job, I saw that the color was slightly different than what we agreed upon. I really prefer to redo the job entirely, but if Bais…
Does One Have to Pay for an Unsolicited Business Tip?
Rav Yosef Greenwald Question: A broker approaches a real estate investor and says that he has information about a good deal. The investor replies that he can tell him the details if he’d like, but he should know that he…
If Someone Shovels My Driveway Without Being Asked, Do I Have to Pay Him?
Rav Yosef Greenwald Question: After a heavy snowfall one winter day, I looked out my window and noticed my neighbor’s son shoveling my driveway without being asked. He then came to my door and asked for $50 as payment. Do…
Does a Homeowner Have to Pay for an Attic Fan Mistakenly Installed on His Roof?
Rav Yosef Greenwald Question: A roofer was hired to install an attic fan. Unfortunately, he went to the wrong address and installed it in the wrong house. He sends a bill to the house where he installed the fan. Does…