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Meseches Yoma, Perek 5

הוציאו לו

Daf 47 – Ketores on Yom Kippur vs Other Korbanos
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 48- Kabolas Hadam on Yom Kippur
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 49 – Doctors and Relying on Hashem
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 50 – Korbanos Forgive: Today It’s All Tefila
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 51 – The Holy Walls of the Holy City
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 52 – The Floor Under the Aron – Is it Holy, Too?
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 53 – Holy Incense: Ketores on Yom Kippur Vol. 2
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 54 – Time of Essence. The Date Line and Yerushalayim
Rav Meir Meisels, Member of Scranton Community Kollel


Daf 55 – Forgetting and Remembering in Halacha
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


Daf 56 – An Interest in Mortgage: Is There a Breira for Ribbis?
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


Daf 57 – Loose Lips and the Bavlai Tipshai
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


Daf 58 – Medical Interference: Chatziza in Medical Devices
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


Daf 59 – Do We Have Korbanos Nowadays?
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


Daf 60 – Do We Have Korbanos Nowadays? Part 2
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


Daf 61 – Tefillin on One Who is Missing a Hand
Rav Micha Cohn, Dayan Bais HaVaad


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