Daf 23 - Choosing a Bais Din R' Dovid Cohen, safra dedayna, Bais…
Meseches Sukkah, Perek 3
Daf 29- Rabbinic Acquisitions; Are They Scripturally Binding? Part I
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad
Daf 30- Rabbinic Acquisitions; Are They Scripturally Binding? Part II
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad
Daf 31- Rabbinic Acquisitions; Are They Scripturally Binding? Part III
Rav Yitzchok Grossman, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad
Daf 32- Split Palms and the Lulav
Rav Yehoshua Grunwald, Dayan at the Bais HaVaad
Daf 33- Inadvertent Watering The Sukka and the Yard
Rav Moishe Abramczyk, Posek at the Bais HaVaad
Daf 34- Small and Smaller Can Miniscule be Measured?
Rav Moishe Abramczyk, Posek at the Bais HaVaad
Daf 35- Unfit for Consumption Is it a Kosher Esrog?
Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon L’dayanus
Daf 36- Invalid Today or Invalid all Seven
Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon L’dayanus
Daf 37- Waving the Species How and When
Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon L’dayanus
Daf 38- Hearing is Reciting How Does it Work?
Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon L’dayanus
Daf 39- Forbidden Fruits The Shmitta Esrog
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Dayan Bais HaVaad, and Rav of K’hal Dexter Park
Daf 40- Shmitta Commerce Nowadays
Rav Yosef Greenwald, Dayan Bais HaVaad and Rav of K’hal Dexter Park
Daf 41- The Give and Take of Conditional Gifts
Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon L’dayanus
Daf 42- Lulavim for Little Ones Are They Obligated?
Rav Chaim Weg, Rosh Kollel Zichron Gershon L’dayanus