Meseches Shabbos Perek 24

Daf 153- Understanding Amira Le’akum
Rav Yakov Bleier, Rosh Kollel of the North Miami Beach Community Kollel
Daf 154- Muktze Items With No Heter Function
Rav Yakov Bleier, Rosh Kollel of the North Miami Beach Community Kollel
Daf 155- Feeding Pets and Other Animals
Rav Yakov Bleier, Rosh Kollel of the North Miami Beach Community Kollel
Daf 156- The Melacha of Lisha
Rav Yakov Bleier, Rosh Kollel of the North Miami Beach Community Kollel
Daf 157- Muktze Designation
Rav Yakov Bleier, Rosh Kollel of the North Miami Beach Community Kollel